Questionnaire "A" on the structural and functional features of training institutions of judges and prosecutors

I.What is (are) the name (s) of the training institution (s) of judges and prosecutors in your country? Please indicate whether the training of judges and that of prosecutors takes place or not within the same training institution; does (do) the training institution(s) of judges /prosecutors ensure both initial and in-service training? National and decentralised training?

II. For each training institution, please indicate:

a) the number of full- time trainers
b) the number of part- time trainers
c) the number of occasional trainers
d) the number of administrative and managerial staff
e) the origin of funding
f) the link with the Ministry of Justice, the High Council of Magistrates, etc..
g) taking into account, in particular, item f) above, if it should be considered as an autonomous/independent training institution
h) the links between the training institutions if there are more than one (co-operation, coordination, subordination, etc…);

III. What are the procedure and the criteria for the appointment of managerial staff and instructors of the training institution (s)? Are the criteria for the appointment of the trainers identical for a) full-time, part-time and occasional trainers? b) trainers responsible for initial training and those responsible for in-service training?

Structural and functional features of training institutions

The role of training institutions in recruitment and initial training of judges and prosecutors

The role of training institutions as regards in-service training of judges and prosecutors

Analysis of the answers to the three questionnaires

IV. What is the proportion of judges and prosecutors who are full- time / part-time instructors and/or members of the management?

V. If persons other than judges or prosecutors fulfill the task of trainers, what are their original profession? Please also give details on their proportion;

VI. Are retired judges and prosecutors or other retired law practitioners invited to act as trainers or members of the management?

VII. What choice has been done between full-time instructors, part-time instructors or occasional instructors that furthermore have judicial functions?

VIII. If judges or prosecutors are part-time or occasional trainers, is the burden of their work within their jurisdiction alleviated?

IX. Please specify the modalities of the training of trainers who perform their training mission –full-time or part-time- within the framework of the training institution(s) or in Courts (content, educational methods, duration, periodicity, etc…); Is training of trainers compulsory?

X. Please specify what initiatives are taken to assure vicinity between trainers and trainees at regional and local level as well as to develop communication (including through the Internet);

XI. Please specify what initiatives are taken to assure participation of the training institution in international co-operation in the field of training (exchanges between training institutions, periodicity of these exchanges, organisation of / participation. in international seminars, co-operation with International Organisations / Institutions (Council of Europe, the European Commission, etc…)).

Replies to the questionnaire (last update: 30/10/07)

Hungary : National Council of Justice / Prosecutor

Republic of Montenegro
Russian Federation: Academy of the Office of the Prosecutor General
"The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia"


Prepared and adopted by the Bureau of the Lisbon Network at its first meeting
(Palais de l’Europe, Strasbourg, 16- 17 December 2004)