20 June 2017. 15h30 - 17h

This session will focus on the current challenges related to the promotion of democracy and human rights through education and will highlight a case study / case studies exploring how these challenges were addressed in a particular context.  The participants will discuss the example(s) presented, share their own experiences and lessons learned; and propose recommendations for future action in this area. 

Interpretation from English to French will be provided in one of the working groups (according to expressed needs of participants).


  • To present a case study / case studies on a topical issue
  • To facilitate a debate
  • To produce 2-3 key conclusions / recommendations for the conference report

Working method

Short presentation / round table / talk show / other


The conference participants will select the topic of their interest (2 choices to be made, and the participants will be assigned to different working groups, in accordance with the availability of places).