Men Get Involved to Combat Domestic Violence

Men Get Involved to Combat Domestic Violence
The PACE launches a pan-European initiative – Men Get Involved – to celebrate the 25 November 2007, International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.
The Parliamentary Assembly is now encouraging national parliaments to organise events around “International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women” on 25 November and the “16 Days of Activism against gender violence” from 25 November to 10 December (International Human Rights Day) that specifically involve men in combating violence against women.



Mobilising Male Parliamentarians
Declaration "Men Get Involved against domestic violence" Standing Committee, 25 November 2007 (PDF)
How can parliamentarians take part in activities for the 25 November 2007 Day and encourage men to get involved in combating violence against women?
Join the PACE pan-European initiative and send back the form!
Gender equality – are men interested? Can male parliamentarians get involved? - an NGO perspective
Setting up Male Parliamentarian Networks : the Swedish experience
Useful website links

(last update 11.12.2007)