Biological safety - use of animals by humans
Scientific developments and intensification of practices were source of important changes in the use of animals, in agriculture and food production, as well as in research and experimentation. The Conventions on the protection of animals elaborated at the Council of Europe were the first international legal instruments laying down ethical principles for the transport, the farming, the slaughtering of animals as well as for their use for experimental purposes and as pet. They have been used as a basis for and continue to influence all the relevant legislation in Europe. Animal welfare is an issue of increasing importance in Europe. The work of the Council of Europe reflects this evolution. (more ...)
Protection of animals kept for farming purposes
The European Convention for the protection of animals kept for farming purposes is a "framework convention" which gives principles for the keeping, care and housing of animals, in particular in intensive breeding systems. (more ...)
Protection of pet animals
The European Convention on the protection of pet animals contains provisions to protect pet animals, and seeks to establish a basic common standard of attitude and practice towards pet ownership. Provisions are included on breeding, boarding, keeping. (more ...)
Protection of animals for slaughter
The European Convention for the protection of animals for slaughter applies to the movement, lairaging, restraint, stunning and slaughter of domestic solipeds, ruminants, pigs, rabbits and poultry. (more ...)
Restricted web site
CoE-EU-OIE Workshop « Animal Welfare in Europe : achievements and future prospects »
Protection of animals used for experimentation
The European Convention for the protection of vertebrate animals used for experimental and other scientific purposes concerns the use of animals in procedures (experiments). Its provisions cover areas such as care and accommodation, conduct of experiments, humane killing, authorisation procedures, control of breeding or supplying and user establishments, education and training, and statistical information. (more ...)
Protection of animals during transport
The European Convention for the protection of animals during international transport lays down the general conditions for the international transport of animals from their preparation to loading to their unloading, such as design of transport means, fitness to transport of the animals, veterinary controls, handling of animals, certificates, etc. and sets out special conditions for the transport of animals by road, air, sea and rail. A revised Convention, not yet into force, has been opened for signature in November 2003 (more ...)
Ethical eye - Animal welfare (2006)
Just how much do animals suffer? Does legislation make a difference to animal welfare and do economic factors hinder its improvement?
The treatment of animals has long been a subject of debate, yet attitudes towards animal welfare still differ greatly and genuine concern for animals has only really developed over the last few decades.
The general public is concerned by this issue and has gradually started to exert pressure on those who use animals to change their ways and on politicians to introduce new legislation.
This book about animal welfare takes a detailed look at the ethical issues, religious viewpoints and the attitudes of different countries towards animal welfare, as well as at the Council of Europe conventions and other European instruments aimed at tackling this issue at an international level.
Order from: http://book.coe.int or from specialised bookshops
New signatures and ratifications
15 October 2008: Hungary signed the European Convention for the Protection of Vertebrate Animals used for Experimental and other scientific purposes (ETS N°123)
15 October 2008: Hungary signed the European Convention for the protection of animals for slaughter (ETS N°102)
16 May 2008: Estonia ratified the European Convention for the protection of animals for slaughter (ETS N°102) [entry into force 17 November 2008]
16 May 2008: Estonia ratified the European Convention for the Protection of Animals during International Transport (revised) (ETS N°193) [entry into force 17 November 2008]
3 April 2008: Poland ratified the European Convention for the protection of animals for slaughter (ETS N°102) [entry into force on 4 October 2008]
6 March 2008: Latvia ratified signed the European Convention for the protection of animals for slaughter (ETS N°102) [entry into force on 7 September 2008]
20 February 2008: Poland ratified the European Convention of the protection of animals kept for farming purposes (ETS N°087) [entry into force 21 August 2008] and its Protocol of Amendment to the European Convention of the protection of animals kept for farming purposes (ETS N°145)
7 February 2008: Netherlands transmitted to the Secretary General their acceptance of the European Convention for the protection of animals during international transport (CETS N°065) [entry into force on 08.08.2008]
20 December 2007: Cyprus signed the European Convention for the Protection of Animals during International Transport (revised) (ETS N°193)
New documents
The fourth Multilateral Consultation of Parties to the European Convention for the Protection of Vertebrate Animals used for Experimental and other Scientific Purposes (ETS 123) held its meeting in Strasbourg on 15 June 2006.
During this meeting, the draft revised Appendix A of the European Convention for the Protection of Vertebrate Animals used for Experimental and other Scientific Purposes – Guidelines for accommodation and care of animals was unanimously adopted by the Parties to the Convention.
Information in English on the revision of the Appendix A can be consulted here.
The Standing Committee of the European Convention for the protection of animals kept for farming purposes (T-AP) adopted at its 47th meeting (5 – 7 December 2005) a new Recommendation concerning farmed fish. The text of the new Recommendation, which entered into force on 5 June 2006, can be consulted here.
The Standing Committee of the European Convention for the protection of animals during international transport (T-AP) adopted at its 46th meeting (30 November – 2 December 2004) a new Recommendation concerning pigs, which replaces the recommendation adopted in 1986. The text of the new Recommendation, which entered into force on 2 June 2005, can be consulted here.