Pedagogical fact sheetsin the field of Roma history and culture
The factsheets target teachers, pupils, decision makers, experts working with or about Roma and all people interested in Roma history. Although based on the best scientific expertise available, the factsheets do not aim to be an overall scientific and critical description of Roma history; this opus still has to be written by the appropriate authors. The factsheets aim to provide basic information on Roma history for a wider audience, which can be used in all teaching contexts.
Teaching kit for children at preschool level
This tool was to be aimed at children who, for different reasons, had not attended nursery school and were not ready, in terms of either learning or maturity, for the first year of primary school. It was also to be aimed at children who had fallen behind somewhat, particularly as a result of absences or various family problems.
The kit:
Is an effective training tool that is both manageable and easy to use
Offers fun scientific, literary and artistic activities
Gives children an opportunity to acquire a cluster of basic skills needed in order to start primary school (a skills record – filled out by the mediator – is given to the teacher)
Can be used either independently or with a parent and/or mediator
Gives parents an opportunity to learn alongside their children
Prevents medium- and long-term segregation: teachers will no longer need to bring Roma children who have not attended school before the age of six up to the required standard when they start school and the use of the kit should change parents' view of learning and motivate them to enrol their children at school.
Roma on the screen
Pedagogical sheets on the cinema: films made by Roma or about Roma
"Roma on screen: how to teach Roma history and culture through cinema" is the pedagogical outcome of the
"Fortnight of Roma cinema" organised in the framework of the project
"Education of Roma children in Europe" in 2006.
The publication is a work of "cultural history". Its aim is to investigate the ways and means by which European film-makers have evoked or portrayed the life of the Roma people and embodied it in fictional characters. The goal is to encourage a collective analysis, conducted by the pupils under their teachers’ supervision, of a whole array of images viewed on large or small screens in order to deconstruct the processes of representation, question the bases on which they are founded and compare them as far as possible with the reality. This type of approach will help pupils have a critical interpretation of films or television programmes.
Témoignage du survivant en classe
Le témoignage de survivants est un des moyens pédagogiques les plus propices à l’implication personnelle des élèves qui se trouvent face à un être humain, un protagoniste des années sombres. Toutefois, l’approche exige une réflexion préalable des enseignants et surtout une préparation adéquate. De nombreux pièges doivent être évités. Ces fiches pédagogiques visent à offrir aux enseignants une réflexion approfondie sur cette méthodologie (risques encourus par le témoin et les élèves) et des pistes concrètes pour sa mise en place en classe (préparation, interaction communicative, l’analyse du témoignage).