The Department
Social Cohesion Development
Social Security
Access to Social Rights
Social Policy for Families and Children

Access to...

Social protection
Social Services


Joint cooperation programmes
Dissemination activities
Publications on access to social rights and other issues
Series Trends in social cohesion

Access to Social Rights

What are we about:

Social rights in Europe are protected by an international treaty - the European Social Charter, as well as many laws in each country. However, legal instruments are not always sufficient to ensure full access to social rights by European citizens. These rights become more accessible to a wide range of people, if they are also actively promoted and supported by sound public policies and involvement of the civil society.


Latest news

The publication "Strengthening social cohesion - Improving the situation of low-income workers - Empowerment of people experiencing extreme poverty" is available.


The publication contains examples of best practice of how to meet the challenges of the social consequences of the financial and economic crisis.


Current Projects

Work is underway on child- and family-friendly social services thus complementing activities carried out on child-friendly justice and child-friendly health care.


A programme on the elderly started with the aim of developping strategic policy measures for their well-being and the respect of their rights, integrity, autonomy and dignity.



Recent publications


Strengthening social cohesion - Improving the situation of low-income workers. Empowerment of people experiencing extreme poverty (2010)
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User involvement in personal social services



Integrated social services in Europe



 Housing policy and vulnerable social groups




European Social Charter
European Social Charter (revised)
Rec (2003)19 of the Committee of Ministers

The European Social Charter website