Brief description
Key legal texts
National coordinators
Children in care

Children's participation
Child Friendly Justice

Case-law: European Court of Human Rights
Action Programme

CoE Guidelines against violence
Corporal Punishment
Violence in schools
Sexual Violence
Policy reviews
Videos and social media

 Maud de Boer-Buquicchio, Deputy Secretary General of the Council of Europe

The Hague, 31 May 2012 - Presentation UNICEF Netherlands report on return of separated children to return houses in countries of origin
St. Petersburg, 18 April 2012 - Launching of the ONE in FIVE Campaign at regional level
Moscow, 29 March 2012 - Council of the Federation of the Federal Assembly - “The elimination of all forms of violence against children”
Mexico, 22 March 2012 - Forum ''United against violence towards children and women''
Strasbourg, 9 February 2012 - Seminar ''Combating child sexual exploitation at local and regional levels''
Monaco, 20 November 2011 - Conference on the Council of Europe Strategy for the Rights of the Child 2012-2015 "Building a child-friendly Europe: Turning a vision into reality"
Florence, 17 November 2011 - Fifth meeting of the Network of Contact Parliamentarians to stop sexual violence against children
Zagreb, 27 October 2011 - Regional Conference Stopping Sexual Violence against Children
Lisbon, 29 September 2011 - 9th Council of Europe Conference of Health Ministers
Venice, 9 September 2011 - Round table devoted to ''Shedding light on a taboo: Cinema’s contribution to the elimination of sexual violence against children''
Strasbourg, 8 July 2011 - Closing session of the Youth Peace Camp
Kyiv, 24 May 2011 - International conference ''Combating violence against children: from isolated actions to integrated strategies''
Budapest, 12-13 April 2011 - Hungarian EU Presidency – Ministerial Conference on Cybercrime
Strasbourg, 19 March 2011 - 1st European Fair ''Youth and Human Rights'' (In French)
Antalya, 18 March 2011 - Seminar “Improving prison conditions through effective monitoring and standard-setting”
New York, 28 February 2011, United Nations, Side event at the 55th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women
Strasbourg, 26 January 2011 - First meeting of the Network of Contact Parliamentarians to stop sexual violence against children
Brussels, 8 December 2010 - FRA Conference on ''Ensuring justice and protection for all children''
Paris, 3 December 2010 - Conference ''Parliaments united against trafficking in human beings''
Rome, 30 November 2010 - Launch of campaign to stop sexual violence against children
Stockholm, 19 November 2010  - World Child and Youth Forum
Moscow, 9 November 2010 - French-Russian Conference ''Children’s defence against violence''
Strasbourg, 20 October 2010 - Colloquy on ''Unaccompanied children: what protection at European level?''
Brussels, 14 October 2010 - 5th EU Forum on the Rights of the Child
Strasbourg, 7 October 2010 ENOC 14th annual meeting - Supporting a strategic approach to children's rights
Paris, 29 June 2010, Debate at French National Assembly: a law against corporal punishment? (in French)
Vienna, 20 May 2010 International Conference "National Integrated strategies to eliminate violence against children"
Strasbourg, 27 April 2010, Round table “Eliminating the corporal punishment of children”
Geneva, 10 March 2010 Annual full-day meeting on the rights of the child-Human Rights Council (13th Session) OHCHR
Strasbourg, 9 December 2009 Inauguration of the Exhibition on children's rights by the Sanwag Etno Eko Centre, Belgrade
Strasbourg, 30 November 2009 Conference on the challenges in adoption procedures in Europe
Stockholm, 20 November 2009 High Level Meeting of the intergovernmental group L’Europe de l’Enfance - ''Celebrating Children’s Rights: the future of a present''
Stockholm, 19 November 2009 Jubilee concert to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in association with Swedish Radio
Strasbourg, 18 November 2009 Statement at the International Poster Contest: ''Act for your rights'' (in French)
Strasbourg, 26 August 2009 19th Annual Conference of EECERA "European Early Childhood Education Research Association" in collaboration with the French association le Furet "Early childhood and Diversity
30 June, Berlin: "The protection of boys and girls in the new media"
16 June, Vienna: Conference of Ministers responsible for Family Affairs
6 April, Prague: "Child-friendly Europe", Council of the European Union Conference
19 February, Strasbourg: "Unaccompanied minors and forced returns" (in French)
Brussels, 9 December, 3rd Forum on the Rights of the Child: "Let's work together and build Europe for children – and with them"
Kiev, 10-11 October, 8th Council of Europe Conference of Ministers responsible for Youth: "The future of the Council of Europe Youth Policy: Agenda 2020: opening speech
European Parliament, Brussels, 8 October: Human Trafficking Hearing – Who is fighting trafficking – Who is not?
Stockholm, 8-10 September: Building a Europe for and with children – towards a strategy for the years 2009-2011: opening speech
Stockholm, 8-10 September: Building a Europe for and with children – towards a strategy for the years 2009-2011: closing speech
Strasbourg, 11 February: Visit from the European Network of Ombudsman for Children
New York, 12 December, UN General Assembly, Special Session on Children - Round table on education and violence
New York, 11 December, UN General Assembly, Special Session on Children
Brussels, 28 November: Seminar on cross-border co-operation to combat child sexual abuse
Rio de Janeiro, 12 November: Opening speech at the UN Internet Governance Forum
Rio de Janeiro, 12 November: "Can we win the war against cyber-threats?" - UN Internet Governance Forum
Rio de Janeiro, 12 November: Open forum on protecting children on the Internet - UN Internet Governance Forum
Rio de Janeiro, 12 November: Best practices forum on public participation in Internet governance - UN Internet Governance Forum
Strasbourg, 8 November: Conference on the monitoring mechanism of the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings
Rimini, 28 October: Pio Manzu International Conference "The flight of the humming bird"
Lanzarote, 26 October: Concluding remarks at the 28th Conference of the European Ministers for Justice
Lanzarote, 25 October: 28th Conference of the European Ministers for Justice: Emerging issues for access to justice for vulnerable groups, in particular migrants and asylum seekers, and children, including children as perpetrators of crime
Belgrade, 19 October: Conference on "The protection of children from all forms of violence"
Belgrade, 18 October: Regional seminar on Action against trafficking of human beings: measures to promote and protect the rights of victims
Strasbourg, 17 September: Conference on International Justice for Children
San Rossore, 19 July: Unicef conference in Tuscany, "A Europe fit for children in a world fit for children"
Berlin, 4 June: Launch of the European Forum on the Rights of the Child
Istanbul, 4 May: 22nd Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education 
Strasbourg ,27 March: Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe - debate on street children
Strasbourg, 14 March: European conference on the rights of foreign minors in Europe
New York, 1 March: 51st Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women
New York, 1 March: side event of the 51st Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women. "Girl child victims of trafficking"
Paris, 5-6 February: international conference  - "Free children from war"
San Marino, 16 December: Unicef Committee of San Marino and Telefono Azzurro event
Florence, 11 December: 60th anniversary of Unicef
Paris, 13 November:  the Paris symposium on "Social cohesion: a condition for growth"
Athens, 29 September: "Ombudswork for children"
St Petersburg, 21 September: "Improving the quality of life of people with disabilities in Europe", launching conference for the Council of Europe Disability Action Plan 2006-2008
Baku, 21 June: 33rd Session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers
Palencia, 19 June : Children's rights - a bridge over the gap
Strasbourg, 22 May: 1st meeting of the Committee of Experts on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Abuse

Lisbon, 16 May: Conference of Ministers responsible for Family Affairs

Monaco, 5 April: Launching conference on “Building a Europe for and with children” – conclusions
Monaco, 4 April 6: Launching conference on “Building a Europe for and with children”
Bucharest, 2 February : Conference on “Child rights, the role of families and alternative care policies”
Strasbourg, 30 January : Conference on “Integrated childhood and youth policies in Europe – needs for disadvantaged neighbourhoods”
Amsterdam, 28 November 2005: Conference “100 Years of Child Protection – a national and international perspective”
Malaga, 27 October 2005: Regional Conference on “Migration of unaccompanied minors: acting in the best interest of the child”
Berlin, 21 October 2005: Conference on “Raising children without violence”
New York, 14 October 2005: United Nations General Assembly –“Violence against Children”
Monaco, 1 September 2005: Standing Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
Ljubljana, 5 July 2005: Conference “Stop violence against children: act now, regional consultation for the UN study on violence against children – Europe and Central Asia”
Strasbourg, 6 June 2005: Forum of European Roma Young People (FERYP)
Lisbon, 1 June 2005: Conference on “The protection of the rights of the child, in particular against trafficking and violence”
Berlin, 2 December 2004: EU Ministerial Conference: Family means future
Montreal, 20 November 2004: Conference on “Making children’s rights work – National and international perspectives”

Vienna, 23 July: "A Council of Europe convention for victims of trafficking" (OSCE Conference)

Sarajevo, 14 May 2004: 2nd Intergovernmental Conference on “Making Europe and Central Asia fit for Children”