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Fact sheet
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Task Force
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Campaign blueprint
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Campaign material
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National campaigns
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National contacts
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About domestic violence
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Council of Europe recommendation
bullet point Protecting Women Against Violence
Analytical study on the effective implementation of Recommendation Rec(2002)5 on the protection of women against violence in Council of Europe member states
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Stocktaking study on the measures and actions taken in Council of Europe member states (2006)
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Other resources
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Press brief
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Press releases
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Press review
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bullet point Closing Conference
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Launching Conference
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Regional Seminars
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Other events

International Legal Instruments

Council of Europe

· Council of Europe Recommendation Rec (2002) 5 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on the protection of violence against women

· Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms [ETS No. 005] (4 November 1950)

· Protocol No.12 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms [ETS No. 177] (4 November 2000)

· European Social Charter [ETS No. 35] (18 October)

· Revised European Social Charter [ETS No. 163] (3 May 1996)

· Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings [ETS No. 197] (16 May 2005)

· Recommendation No.R (2000) 11 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on action against trafficking in human beings for the purpose of sexual exploitation

· 3rd European Ministerial Conference on equality between women and men
Strategies for the elimination of violence against women in society: the media and other means, declarations and resolutions, Rome, 21-22 October 1993

· Final Declaration and Action Plan adopted during the Third Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Council of Europe (Warsaw, 16-17 May 2005)

· 6th European Ministerial Conference on equality between women and men: human rights and economic challenges in Europe – Gender equality, Stockholm, 8-9 June 2006

United Nations

· Secretary-General’s in-depth study on violence against women

· The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) (18 December 1979)

· CEDAW Committee General Recommendation No.19 on Violence against Women

· Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action adopted at the Fourth World Conference on Women (Beijing, 4-15 September 1995)

· Vienna Declaration and Programme for Action adopted at the World Conference on Human Rights (Vienna, 14-25 June 1993)

· Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women

· Human Rights Commission Resolution 2005/41 of 19 April 2005