Closing Conference of the Council of Europe Campaign to Combat
Violence against Women, including Domestic Violence, Strasbourg, 10 and
11 June 2008
The Closing Conference of the Council of Europe Campaign to Combat
Violence against Women, including Domestic Violence was held in
Strasbourg on 10 and 11 June 2008. At this Conference, the Council of
Europe Task Force to Combat Violence against Women, including Domestic
Violence, presented its assessment of the impact of the Campaign in
Council of Europe member states and of the national measures taken to
prevent and combat violence against women. It also presented
recommendations on future action by the Council of Europe to prevent and
combat violence against women.
On the occasion of the Closing Conference of the Campaign the three
dimensions of the Campaign, representatives of the Committee of
Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Congress of Local and
Regional Authorities and the Commissioner for Human Rights of the
Council of Europe attended the Conference, with representatives of
all Council of Europe member States. In addition, Canada, the Holy See,
Japan, Mexico, the United States of America, as well as a number of
international intergovernmental and non-governmental organisations
working in the field of violence against women were invited to attend in
an observer capacity. (more…).
against women, including domestic violence, is the result of an
imbalance of power in society. It is a human rights violation and a
major obstacle to overcoming inequality between women and men. (more...)
The Parliamentary dimension of the Campaign
Local and regional dimension of the Campaign |
Terry Davis, Secretary General of the
Council of Europe
Violations of women’s human rights are still common and have actually
increased in some regions of Europe in recent years. Women are often
exposed to practices which could be classed as torture or inhuman or
degrading treatment. These include domestic violence, sexual harassment,
rape, forced marriage (more...)
"Interview of Terry Davis"
here to watch the interview
with Mr Thomas Hammarberg, Commissioner for Human Rights"
here to watch the interview
"Surviving Domestic Violence"
here to watch the 3 minute film
"Euronews report"
here to watch the report
TV report"
Minimum standards for support services
Administrative data collection on
domestic violence in Council of Europe member states
Final Activity Report of
the Council of Europe Task Force to Combat Violence against Women,
including Domestic Violence
Final Activity Report
Set up following a decision taken at the Third Summit of Heads of
State and Government of the Council of Europe (Warsaw 16-17 May 2005),
the Task Force to Combat Violence against Women, including Domestic
Violence, was mandated to evaluate measures for preventing and combating
violence against women adopted at national and international level and
make proposals for revising these measures or for adopting new measures.
Over the course of two years, the Task Force has studied developments at
national and international level to prevent and combat violence against
women. The Final Activity Report contains an assessment of these
measures and that of the impact of the Council of Europe Campaign to
Combat Violence against Women, including Domestic Violence, as well as
proposals for future action in this field.
Analytical study of the results of the
second round of monitoring the implementation of Recommendation Rec
(2002) 5 on the protection of women against violence in Council of
Europe member states
Closing Conference of the Council of Europe Campaign to Combat Violence
against Women, including Domestic Violence
(Strasbourg, 10-11 June
starts with screams and must never end in silence."
12% to 15% of European women over 16 have suffered
domestic abuse in a relationship – too many have died. Many more
continue to suffer physical and sexual violence from former partners,
even after the break-up. It's time to find a way out! |