Meeting of Ministers of Interior and Senior Officials from South-eastern Europe on the Regional Strategy on Tools against Organised and Economic CrimeBrijuni Island, 22-23 September 2005
Signature of the Joint Declaration
The Council of Europe and the Ministry of Interior of Croatia co-organised a Meeting on the Regional Strategy on Tools against Organised and Economic Crime. This meeting was held in Brijuni Island from 22 to 23 September 2005. It brought together experts and high level officials involved in the fight against organised crime from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, Serbia, “the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” and UNMIK.
The meeting was divided in two parts:
- 22 September: Expert level meeting to finalise the Regional Strategy and the Joint Declaration
- 23 September: High level meeting of Ministers of Interior and Senior Officials from South-eastern Europe on the Regional Strategy on Tools against Organised and Economic Crime.
Mr. Ivan Kirin, Minister of Interior of Croatia, opened and chaired the High level meeting on 23 September 2005.
Ministers of Interior and Security from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro and “the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” stressed the importance of efficient practical measures for the fight against organised and economic crime. They reiterated that the fight against this phenomenon remains high on their government’s agenda and presented the main actions taken by their country in this field.
Discussions concluded with the adoption of a Joint declaration endorsing a comprehensive Regional Strategy on Tools against Organised and Economic Crime, which will serve as a basis for specific action plans in the participating countries and area.
The event was organised in the framework of the CARPO Project, which supports countries of the region to develop reliable and functioning policing systems and to strengthen their police capacities against serious crime.