GEPAC Project is funded by a
voluntary contribution of the
Ministry for Development
co-operation of the Netherlands
More Activities...
Three Regional Workshops on Public Access
to Information
[4 July, Strasbourg]
The Council of Europe organised, under the framework
of GEPAC Project, three regional workshops on Public
Access to Information in Signagi (30 June), Kutaisi (2
July) and Batumi (3 July), Georgia. The aim of the
meetings was to present the legal and practical framework/solutions for efficient and lawful
dissemination of public information to representatives
of local authorities. They also had the
possibility to discuss issues of implementation with
representatives of the National Association of Local
Authorities in Georgia and Young Lawyers Association (GYLA).
Link to Agenda
1st GEPAC Steering Group Meeting
[22 April 2008,
Tbilisi, Georgia] The 1st Project
Steering Group Meeting took place in Tbilisi on 22 April 2008. As a
result, the Project Workplan was slightly up-dated and adapted to the
current institutional needs and priorities.
The meeting brought together representatives from all counterpart institutions, the
Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Council of Europe.
Training on Code of Ethics for
[20-21 April 2008,
Tbilisi, Georgia]
The Council of Europe
is organising two trainings for senior prosecutors on the Code of Ethics
on 20 and 21 April in Tbilisi. The trainings will bring together
prosecutors from different regions of the country. They will discuss,
among other things, the practical implementation of the key articles of
the Code of Ethics, as well as current challenges and possible future
amendments to the Code.
Round Table Discussion on the
possible options of the future
specialised Anti-corruption
structure of Georgia
[6 March 2008,
Tbilisi, Georgia
In 2007 President Saakashvili expressed his will to create a specialised Anti-corruption structure of Georgia. In support of this, the Council of Europe organised a meeting to discuss the institutions' needs for the elaboration of such a structure and to present the international experience in this field.
Round Table on
the elaboration of integrity
[4-5 March 2008, Tbilisi, Georgia
table discussion and bi-lateral
meetings were held with the Ministry
of Interior and the Prosecutor's
Office of Georgia for the
elaboration of risk/integrity
assessment in both institutions. The
risk assessment is a tool for
prevention of corruption and
conflict of interests within the
institutions, aiming at increasing
internal control, recruitment,
promotion and rotation process.
Training on the newly adopted
Law on legalisation of property of
February 2008, Tbilisi, Georgia]
The training allowed participants to share their experience and discuss the implementation of the Law on legalisation of property as well as the Law on legalisation of the ground, adopted by Georgian Parliament in 2007. It also aimed at raising the awareness on the implementation of both laws and making the process of legalisation of property more transparent.
Round Table Discussion on tools of reporting and implementation of
anti-corruption measures
[28 January 2008, Tbilisi,
Georgia] The RTD aimed at assisting the nominated Contact Points from
different institutions to better understand operational issues with
regard to tools of reporting, cooperation and monitoring of the
implementation of anti-corruption measures. In addition, participants
also discussed issues regarding the Anti-corruption Strategy and Action
Plan and the needs to develop appropriate tools of reporting,
coordination, and implementation.
Presentation on tools of reporting and implementation of anti-corruption measures