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North-South Center

Youth Workshop on Global Education in Poland – 13 May 2005, Poland

(Anglais uniquement)

The North-South Centre of the Council of Europe together with the Świętokrzyskie Center of the Foundation in Support of Local Democracy, the Polish National Youth Agency and the Youth Department of the Ministry of Education, organises on May 13th, 2005, a one-day Youth Workshop on Global Education in Poland.

The workshop will welcome a group of 15-20 Polish youth workers engaged in youth educational activities, who are interested in strengthening the global dimension of their youth work and developing of additional global education activities in Poland.

The workshop will introduce different concepts of global education and explore its relevance in the Polish youth work context; and encourage the development of a support network for youth workers running educational activities with a global dimension.

Participants will have an opportunity to debate the already existing global dimension of their activities, as well as challenges and opportunities for developing global education activities in youth work in Poland.

The workshop will take place in Centrum Partnerstwa Spolecznego – Dialog, Ministry of Labour and Economy, ul. Limanowskiego 23, Warszawa, Poland between 9.30 and 19.00. This workshop is part of the Programme for Strengthening Global Development Education in Visegrad countries, supported by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

On Saturday, 14th May, 2005, the group will join a Debate on the Role of Youth in Society: „Citizenship, YOUTH, Europe”, which will take place as part of the JOINT Programme in the Polish Senate.