René van der Linden,
Parliamentary Assembly President:
''Council of Europe has a crucial role to play in European Architecture of tomorrow ''
Terry Davis,
Council of Europe Secretary General:
''This Summit will go into history as the Summit of European Unity''
Giovanni Di Stasi, President of the Congress: One of the essential principles of local democracy is subsidiarity
Alvaro Gil Robles, Commissioner for Human Rights:
Human rights problems must be solved through constant dialogue with national authorities Speech
First day of the Warsaw Summit
Aleksander Kwasniewski, President of the Republic of Poland: ''Europe has heritage, Europe has identity, Europe has people whom we can be proud of. The Council of Europe must go further along the path of dialogue''. Speech
René van der Linden , Parliamentary Assembly President: ''We will not find any better instrument to strengthen the unity of Europe based on common values, than the Council of Europe'' Speech
Terry Davis, Secretary General: ''I believe that the Council IS the future. The Europe of the future is a united Europe – a unity based on the values of democracy, human rights and the rule of law'' Speech
Giovanni Di Stasi , President of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe
: ''our democracies are plainly undergoing a crisis of change which we can see in the upsurge of extremist movements''. Speech
Luzius Wildhaber , President of the European Court of Human Rights: ''The European Court of Human Rights is more than just another European institution; it is a symbol. As no other institution it symbolises an essential part of European legal culture.''. Speech
16.05.2005 -
First Plenary Session: ''European unity-European values''