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17 maja 2005
16 maja 2005
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Press releases

17.05.2005 - PACE President welcomes preparation of a political report on the relations between the EU and the Council of Europe by Prime Minister Juncker

17.05.2005 - Council of Europe Summit concludes work by adopting a final declaration and an Action Plan

17.05.2005 - ''This Summit will go into history as the Summit of European Unity'' says Terry Davis

17.05.2005 - Joint Council of Europe/OSCE declaration on co-operation adopted in Warsaw

16.05.2005 - Council of Europe Third Summit: intercultural and inter-religious dialogue must be strengthened, says PACE President

16.05.2005 - Three major conventions by the Council of Europe opened for signature

16.05.2005 - Warsaw Youth Summit adopts declaration for attention of heads of state and government

16.05.2005 - Developing democracy is key to future, says Council of Europe Secretary General

15.05.2005 - Young People – partners in the new Europe

14.05.2005 - Partnerships key feature of European and world's architecture, says Council of Europe Secretary General

14.05.2005 - "NGO support is crucial for success of Council of Europe action" says Secretary General Terry Davis

13.05.2005 - PACE President: Third Summit should fully exploit the Council of Europe’s unique position

13.05.2005 - List of Heads of Delegations

12.05.2005 - Warsaw Summit to determine the future political role of the Council of Europe

10.05.2005 - New information kits available for the Council of Europe Warsaw Summit

03.05.2005 - Three major conventions adopted by the Council of Europe

02.05.2005 - Diversity campaign and declaration on “Young Europe” to top agenda of Youth Summit

27.04.2005 - Contribution by the European Court of Human Rights to the Third Council of Europe Summit

25.04.2005 - Council of Europe Warsaw Summit – Preliminary programme

15.04.2005 - Special website for the Summit of Council of Europe Heads of State and Government (Warsaw, 16-17 May 2005) available

08.07.2004 - Walter Schwimmer: Third Council of Europe Summit should deliver a strong political declaration

08.07.2004 - Council of Europe decides on Third Summit for May 2005

13.05.2004 - Third Council of Europe Summit: Final decision due in July

07.05.2004 - Foreign Affairs Ministers to discuss reform of the European Court of Human Rights and the Third Summit

26.06.2002- Luxembourg Prime Minister in favour of a third Council of Europe Summit