Council of
Conseil de l’Europe |
European Union
Union Européenne |
UPAC Project aims at strengthening
Ukrainian institutions’ capacities
in their anti-corruption efforts.
The project is jointly funded by the
European Commission and the Council
of Europe. It started on 8 June 2006
and will last 36 months.
Corruption is considered to be a
serious problem in Ukraine. The
authorities of Ukraine acknowledged
that corruption is a priority issue
requiring comprehensive and serious
countermeasures. This project will
assist Ukraine’s anti-corruption
effort in a broad manner. It
comprises three components:
1. Support to the creation of the
strategic and institutional
framework against corruption
2. Strengthening of capacities for
the prevention of corruption.
3. Strengthening of the legal
framework and the enforcement of
anti-corruption legislation
Round table
on the effectiveness of the national
anti-corruption policy and the role
of civil society and private sector
[30 September 2008, Strasbourg]
the UPAC Project’s framework the
Round table Effectiveness of the
National anti-corruption policy ,
role of civil society and private
sector will be held in Kyiv on 16
October 2008. The Round table is
aimed at:
- contributing to strengthening the
role of the civil society and
private sector in the national
anti-corruption efforts,
- reviewing the effectiveness of the
national anti-corruption strategy
and action plan by civil society
- raising awareness on proposed
reforms, and at
- contributing to enhance compliance
with GRECO recommendations as well
as with other European and
international standards.
Link to
Activity Outline
Round table
on Identification, Seizure and
Confiscation of Proceeds from Crime
[15 September 2008, Strasbourg]
of Europe and European Commission
(through the UPAC Project) is
jointly organising with the with the
Embassy of France in Ukraine and the
Ministry of Justice of Ukraine a
roundtable on "Identification, Seizure
and Confiscation of Proceeds from
Corruption" on 19 September in
Kyiv, Ukraine. This
event is aimed at assisting Ukraine
in improving its legislation and
practices on identification, seizure
and confiscation of proceeds from
corruption in line with
International and European
Link to
(in French)
Press Release
on prevention of political
[1 July 2008, Strasbourg]
Council of Europe and the European
Commission are organising a
conference on prevention of
political corruption on 1 and 2 July
in Kyiv, Ukraine. The conference is
aimed at reviewing and discussing
issues such as funding of political
parties and electoral campaigns,
immunities, integrity of elected
representatives and lobbying. The
participants will analyse the
compliance of the Ukrainian
legislation and practice with the
European standards and requirements
and recommendations of the
anti-corruption monitoring body of
the Council of Europe (GRECO) and
international best practices. At the
end of the conference the adoption
of the recommendations for system
improvement is expected to take
International and national experts,
representatives of the Verkhovna
Rada (Parliament), political
parties, the Central Electoral
Commission, relevant executive
bodies and NGOs have been invited to
participate in this event.
Study visit: Existing Practices in different European Anti-corruption
[26-30 May
2008, Paris, France, and Ljubljana, Slovenia]
The aim of the
visit was
to study different models of
preventive and law enforcement
anti-corruption bodies of France,
Slovenia and Croatia.
The main issues discussed included
the organisation and functioning of
specialised bodies, legal issues,
specialisation of police,
prosecutors and judges, inter-agency
co-operation, international
co-operation in legal matters,
police performance indicators,
statistic data in the
anti-corruption field, seizure and
confiscation of proceeds from crime.
Link to
UPAC Project Steering Committee meeting
[31 March
2008, Strasbourg]
Within the framework of the “Support to good governance: Project against corruption in Ukraine” of the Council of Europe and the European Commission Contract, a meeting of the Steering Committee will take place on 9 April 2008 in Kiev, Ukraine. In the course of this meeting the project partners are expected to review the progress made in the last six months as well as to agree on priorities and details concerning the forthcoming activities.
Link to Agenda
An updated version of the Project
Summary has been released
[18 March
2008, Strasbourg] This new version of the Project Summary includes implemented and future activities.
Last Update
Workshop on European standards of
legislation, regulations and
practices on financing of political
parties and electoral campaigns in
the light of European standards
[29 January
2008, Strasbourg] The workshop was
aimed at providing analysis of GRECO
recommendations, Venice Commission
and other CoE standards and
guidelines with respect to the
regulations and practices in
financing political parties and
election campaigns. CoE expert, Mr
Quentin Reed, presented a technical
paper/written expertise outlining
the CoE recommendations on financing
of political parties and election
campaigns explaining the GRECO Third
Evaluation Questionnaire on
Transparency of Political Party
A Round Table discussion on
"Development of proposals on
establishing anti-corruption body in
[15 January
together participants from
Anti-corruption Parliamentary
Committee, Ministry of Justice,
Ministry of Presidential
Secretariat, Prosecutor’s General
Office, Ministry of Interior,
Council of National Security and
Defence, anti-corruption NGOs,
international organisations and
media to discuss institutional
framework for future anti-corruption
body/ies in Ukraine.