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References Text

Contribution of Ms Gular Ahmedova, contact parlementarian (Azerbaijan, “New Azerbaijan Party) on the fight against domestic violence in Azerbaijan

Information on legal acts existing in the legislature of the Republic of Azerbaijan on combating violence against women

The provisions related to prevention of violence against women are envisaged in a number of legislative acts of the Republic of Azerbaijan

The following actions are prescribed as the actions against humanity and war crimes in the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan:

    Article 106: Slavery
    Article 108: Sexual violence
    Article 108-1: Compulsory pregnancy
    Article 109: Discrimination
    Article 116: Infringement of norms of the international humanitarian right during confrontations

A number of following actions are prescribed as violence against women in the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan:

    Article 136: Illegal artificial fertilization and implantation of embroils, medical sterilization
    Article 144-1: Human trafficking
    Article 144.2: Compulsory labor
    Article 149: Rape
    Article 150: Violent actions of sexual nature
    Article 164: Infringement of labor rights of a pregnant woman or woman who has children at age of three
    Article 171: Involving of minor to prostitution, or commitment of immoral actions
    Article 173: Sale of minors
    Article 243: Involving to prostitution

The law on “Combating human trafficking” was adopted on 28 June 2006.

Article 4 of the law on “Gender equality” outlines the prohibition of sexual pressing. The employer is entitled to define the occurrence/non occurrence of the sexual pressing. Article 17 envisages compensation by the employer of the caused detriment to persons exposed to sexual pressing according to the existing legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The special law regulating combating domestic violence against women has not been adopted in the Republic of Azerbaijan yet.