

Draft Convention
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DATE N° ATTRIBUTED Complete reference of document TITLE OF DOCUMENT 
09/10/07 01 PC-S-CP (2007) 01 BIL Summary of the discussions of the CDPC concerning the PC-S-CP
      Résumé des discussions du CDPC concernant le PC-S-CP
12/11/07 02 PC-S-CP (2007) 02 Final Draft Report
      Rapport final
  03 PC-S-CP (2007) 03 Report of the 1st meeting
      Rapport de la 1ère réunion
  04 PC-S-CP (2008) 04 Report of the 2nd meeting
      Rapport de la 2ème réunion
19/02/08 05 PC-S-CP (2008) 05 Comments of J.FRANQUET & K. HJARMARSSON
      Commentaires de J. FRANQUET & K. HJALMARSSON
26/02/08 06 PC-S-CP (2008) 06 Expertise B. GELLIE
19/02/08 07 PC-S-CP (2008) 07 Patent-protected medicines on market in Europe 
04/03/08 08 PC-S-CP (2008) 08 A model for A Network of single points of contact (SPOCs) 
15/04/08 09 PC-S-CP (2008) 09 Report of the 3rd meeting
      Rapport de la 3ème réunion
02/07/08 10 PC-S-CP (2008) 10 Revised terms of reference  of the Group of Specialists on Counterfeit Pharmaceutical Products (PC-S-CP)
      Mandat révisé  du Groupe de spécialistes sur les produits pharmaceutiques contrefaits (PC S CP)
23/04/08   PC-S-CP (2008) Fin REPORT 
Other CoE documents
30/03/07 11227 AP Doc.11227 Need for a Council of Europe Convention on the suppression of counterfeiting and trafficking in counterfeited goods
      Necessité d'une convention du Conseil de l'Europe relative à la suppression de la contrefaçon et du trafic de produits conterfaits
30/03/07 1973 AP recommendation 1793 (2007) Need for a Council of Europe Convention on the suppression of counterfeiting and trafficking in counterfeited goods
      Necessité d'une convention du Conseil de l'Europe relative à la suppression de la contrefaçon et du trafic de produits conterfaits
30/03/07 1974 AP recommendation 1974 (2007) The quality of medicines in Europe
      Qualité de médicaments en Europe
23/11/01   Convention on Cybercrime Convention on Cybercrime
    Convention sur la cybercriminalité Convention sur la cybercriminalité
30/03/07 12 CDPC-BU (2007) 12 Prioritised elements for a Council of Europe convention on the protection of public health against pharmaceutical and healthcare products crime
      Elements prioritaires pour une convention du Conseil de l'Europe sur la protection de la santé publique 
05/01/2007 01/01/00 CDPC-BU (2007) 1 Feasibilty study for a Council of Europe Convention on counterfeit medicines / pharmaceutical crime
      Etude de faisabilité d'une convention du Conseil de l'Europe sur la conterfaçon de medicaments et le crime pharmaceutique
24/10/06   Final declaration International Conference - Europe against Counterfeit Medecines
    Déclaration finale Conférence internationale - L'Europe contre les medicaments contrefaits
27/08/04   Listed results Survey on the legislation/admin. procedures, structures applicable to counterfeit medecines: Council of Europe Partial Agreement member states
EU documents
30/12/2008   Directive 2001/82/EC consolidated version Directive 2001/82/CE
31/03/2004   Directive 2004/27/CE  Directive 2004/27/CE
    Directive 2004/27/CE
31/03/2004 32004R0726  EC n°726/2004 Regulation EC n°726/2004
      Règlement CE n°726/2004
06/11/2001 2001/82/CE Directive 2001/82/EC Directive 2001/82/CE
      Directive 2001/82/CE
22/07/2003 32003R1383 EC n°1383/2003 Regulation (EC) 1383/2003
      Règlement (EC) 1383/2003
14/06/1993 31990L0385 Directive 93/42/EEC Directive 93/42/EEC
      Directive 93/42/CEE
20/06/1990 31990L0385 Directive 90/385/EEC Directive 90/385/EEC
      Directive 90/385/CEE
WHO documents
30/04/2009   A62/14 Counterfeit medical products - International Medical Products Anti-Counterfeiting Taskforce - Report by the Secretariat
30/04/2009   A62/13 Counterfeit medical products - Report by the Secretariat
05/12/2008   Summary report Third IMPACT General Meeting, 3-5 December 2008, Hammamet, Tunisia
31/08/2007     IMPACT Draft Principles and Elements for National Legislation against Counterfeit Medical Products
02/09/2006     International Medical Products Anti-Counterfeiting Taskforce (IMPACT) Terms of reference
18/02/2006     Declaration of Rome