Workshops on the transparency of e-voting

Bregenz, 21 July 2010

Voting systems testing and certification programme manual, United States Election Assistance Commission
Implementing e-enabled elections: the key steps, Council of Europe Secretariat
Scheme on Estonia evoting system, Ü Madise & P. Vinkel, Estonia
Scheme on Russian evoting system 
Scheme on e-voting process (Melanie Volkamer, Center for Advanced Security Research, Darmstadt)

Oslo, 18, 19 March 2010

. Programme

. Observation of e-enabled Elections, Johnathan Stonestreet
. Voting observation in the context of the Swiss internet voting projects, Ardita Driza-Maurer
. How and what to observe in e-enabled elections ?, Mats Lindberg, OSCE ODIHR
. Observation of Estonian voting : Estonian case, Epp Maaten,Estonian National Electoral Committee
. Evote 2011 Project Norway, Henrik Nore, Project Manager
. Observing the use of electoral technologies : A Manual for OAS Electoral Observation missions , Betilde Munoz-Pogossian , Organization of American States
. List of participants