Journalism Training
Training work


To encourage good practice in reporting against discrimination and on cultural diversity amongst media professionals


• Providing training and resource material for young and mid-career journalists
• Training trainers to use the material in their course modules in universities, colleges and in-house training
• Creating a virtual “pack” with key information to be downloaded; along with a print pack with basic elements
• Organising study visits for young journalists to the Council of Europe
• Organising a summer school on media diversity in summer 2009

Pack modules (under preparation at the date of November 2008)

General Info

• Short intro to “situate” the campaign and give political context
• The reasons for the campaign
• Why professional reporting can make a difference
• Info on different aspects – Islamophobia, Anti-Semitism, Anti-Gypsyism

Teaching modules

• General Tips for good practice
• Case studies to allow class discussions and exercise.


• Style books from different newspapers
• Examples of different existing codes of conducts
• Glossary of language styles
• Contact Book with links and telephone number
• List of international treaties and other legal texts, written in an accessible journalistic style.
• Powerpoint on the Campaign
• Audio/video material

Components of the pack/modules will be added to this website as they are developed further.