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Senior lecturer of Political Science


Discussant: Knowledge Café

Christèle Marchand-Lagier is researcher at the Avignon University in France and associate researcher at the Political Studies Institute of Aix en Provence.  Specialist of electoral sociology, she is renomated for her 2017 analysis of National Front voters, Le vote FN pour une sociologie localisée des électorats frontistes, De Boeck supérieur. She also contributed to a collective book, Les faux-semblants du Front national. Sociologie d'un parti politique, Presses de Science Po. For several years, she has focused her research on increasing abstention among voters in France, specifically in Avignon. In order to determine whether the voting/non-voting behavior is linked to the economic and social situation, she works with geographers and IT specialists. Among others, she’s part of the collaborative research project called ALCoV (Analyses Localisées Comparatives du Vote: défiance, abstention et radicalisation politique dans la France contemporaine) led by Eric Agrikoliansky (Professor of Political Science at Paris-Dauphine University) from 2016 and until 2020.