All Network Conferences
2016 HELP Annual Network Conference
The annual HELP Network Conference took place this year on 16-17 June and was entitled “HELP, leading the way to case-law harmonisation”. After an inspiring speech from the Secretary General, Thorjbørn Jagland, who reminded our members of the growing importance of this “unique pan-european...
2017 HELP Network Conference: "HELP for Friendly Justice"
The annual HELP Network Conference took place on 19-20 June and was entitled “HELP for Friendly justice”, gathering over 130 participants representing training institutions for judges and prosecutors and Bar associations. The Conference of the Council of Europe Programme on Human Rights Education...
2015 HELP Ağı Konferansı
The 2015 annual Conference of the European Programme for Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals (the HELP Programme) will take place on 4-5 June in Strasbourg. The HELP Network, a peer-to-peer European Human Rights Training Network entrusted with the implementation of paragraph of...
2014 HELP Ağı Konferansı
The 2014 annual Conference of the European Programme for Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals (the HELP Programme) will take place on 16-17 June in Strasbourg. The HELP Network, a peer-to-peer European Human Rights Training Network entrusted with the implementation of paragraph of...
2013 HELP Ağı Konferansı
The 2013 annual Conference of the European Program for Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals (the HELP Program) took place on 18-19 June 2013 in Strasbourg and was dedicated to “Cross-cutting issues on human rights training for legal professionals”. The event was organized under the...