Geri Certification cycle 2020-2021 underway: applications now open

Certification cycle 2020-2021 underway: applications now open

The Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe are subject to regular monitoring and three-year evaluation procedure through independent expert reports and recommendations. This year, 4 certified Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe will undergo the process of regular evaluation: European Mozart Ways, Saint Martin of Tours Route, Huguenot and Waldensian Trail and the European Route of Megalithic Culture.

Each year, the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe programme sees a number of cultural route networks applying for certification. In order to be eligible for certification by the Council of Europe, cultural routes must comply with the certification criteria established in CM/Res(2013)67 revising the rules for the award of the Cultural Route of the Council of Europe certification.

The call for applications for certifications as “Cultural Route of the Council of Europe” for the 2020-2021 Evaluation Cycle is now open until 31st July 2020. Cultural Routes networks interested to apply should contact culturalroutes[at] before submitting an application and will be invited to a training session in Luxembourg between 9-12 June (date subject to change due to the Covid-19 pandemic). The application form is available in French and English.

Luxembourg, Luxembourg 2 April 2020
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