City of Salisbury is an Intercultural City located 25km north of Adelaide in South Australia. It spans 161km2 and has over 140,000 residents and great cultural diversity. City of Salisbury acknowledges that it is on the traditional Country of the Kaurna people of the Adelaide Plains. The council’s vision is to be ‘a progressive, sustainable and connected community’. City of Salisbury is proud to be a Refugee Welcome Zone, a Welcoming City, and now an Intercultural City.

Population diversity

Cultural diversity in City of Salisbury has grown in recent years, and now over 30% of the population were born overseas and over 70 languages are spoken in the community. Currently, approximately 70% of new arrivals to South Australia are settling in the Salisbury region, so it is becoming increasingly important to be an intercultural city that fosters meaningful connections and understanding between and amongst diverse communities.

profile and activities

The City of Salisbury is recognised as a national leader in a range of industries including water sustainability, defence, electronics and technology as well as being a centre for manufacturing, distribution and warehousing. Throughout the City, there are approximately 170 parks, playgrounds and walking trails and over 50 wetlands.

In 2017, City of Salisbury published its Intercultural Strategic Plan 2017-2027 as a framework to becoming an Intercultural City. One action of this strategy was to complete Council of Europe’s Intercultural Cities Index Questionnaire, in which we achieved a score of 77%. This achievement is significant in our progress and commitment to being an intercultural city, advancing our ability to share and learn information about interculturalism to help Salisbury be a great place to live for our diverse community. In this time, City of Salisbury has also established the Salisbury Intercultural Community Alliance and Salisbury Intercultural Strategic Alliance to enable a collaborative approach to implementing the strategic plan.

Intercultural Cities Index
