Second Co-ordination meeting of the contact parliamentarians involved in the parliamentary dimension of the Council of Europe campaign
to combat violence against women,
including domestic violence (2006-2008)

The Second co-ordination meeting of the contact parliamentarians should enable the contact parliamentarians to co-ordinate the implementation of the parliamentary dimension of the Council of Europe campaign and exchange good practices (4 June) and to meet the national focal points appointed by governments to discuss the implementation of the Campaign at national level (5 June). This co-ordination meeting should also enable the contact parliamentarians to share their ideas on how national parliaments can best get involved in the Council of Europe Campaign and identify new activities to be carried out by mid 2008.

Draft programme of the meeting of the contact parliamentarians – 4 June 2007

Draft programme of the joint meeting of contact parliamentarians and national focal points – 5 June 2007

Minutes of the coordination Meeting of contact Parliamentarians of the 19 October 2006

Actions of the Parliamentary Assembly to implement the Parliamentary dimension of the Council of Europe campaign

PACE Resolution 1512 (2006) "Parliaments united in combating domestic violence against women" adopted by the Parliamentary Assembly on 28 June 2006

Recommendation Rec(2002)5 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on the protection of women against violence adopted on 30 April 2002

List of Contact Parliamentarians

List of National Focal points

View of the photo exhibition “Breaking the silence on domestic violence” (link to the virtual exhibition) (Technical aspects)

List of Information Offices of the Council of Europe