Stockholm, 8 March 2007
Parliamentary Day of Action in Sweden

On the occasion of the International Women's Day, Ms Carina Hägg presented the Swedish version of the handbook for parliamentarian and the blueprint of the Campaign, which have been handed out to all Members of Parliament. The Personnel Department of the parliament invited MPs and employees to a lecture held by Mr Lars Einar Engström, writer of the book “Confessions of a sexist”. The headline of the lecture was “There is a sexist living in all of us”. The lecture was opened by the Speaker, Mr Per Westerberg.

At the initiative of UNIFEM, a panel discussion on the Council of Europe Campaign was organised in presence of Ms Carina Hägg, MP, Campaign leader and Ms Marietta de Pourbaix-Lundin, MP, Member of the Swedish Delegation to PACE. The moderator of the discussion was Ms Birgitta Ahlqvist, chairperson of UNIFEM Sweden. This conference was opened by the Minister for Integration and Gender Equality, Ms Nyamko Sabuni. The Speaker of the Parliament, Mr Per Westerberg, delivered a speech entitled: “The world most gender equal parliament?”


Link to the Handbook for Parliamentarians in Swedish

Link for the Blue print in Swedish