Fondation européenne Madariaga International Women’s Day: PACE invited to the next ‘Mardi de l’Europe’
Brussels, 4 March 2008
In the presence of the singer Axelle Red, and as part of the “Mardis de l’Europe” initiative, the Madariaga European Foundation for the College of Europe is to host a luncheon debate on 4 March, from 12 to 2 pm, at its headquarters in Brussels (87 Rue Royale), in cooperation with the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), on how to mobilise male parliamentarians to combat violence against women. The event is part of the parliamentary dimension of the Council of Europe campaign against domestic violence.
To launch the debate, a number of prominent politicians will present their point of view: two members of the PACE, Nursuna Memecan (Turkey, ALDE) and Kent Olsson (Sweden, EPP/CD), who will talk about the work of a network of Swedish male parliamentarians dedicated to combating violence against women, and two members of the European Parliament: Raül Romeva i Rueda (Spain, Greens/EFA) and Alexander Alvaro (Germany, ALDE).