of the Vienna declaration in favour of a European Convention to combat
violence against women, including domestic violence
Vienna, 30 April 2008
The contact parliamentarians involved in the Council of Europe's campaign to
combat violence against women adopted the
declaration (PDF) at the final conference of the parliamentary
dimension of the campaign on 30 April in Vienna. On this occasion, they
invited the Council of Europe to draw-up a framework convention to combat
violence against women, including domestic violence and to involve
parliamentarians and non governmental organisations in the drafting process.
This instrument should take account of the specific aspects linked to
equality between women and men and be designed to protect victims, punish
perpetrators and prevent this human rights violation.
PACE Rapporteur, Mr José Mendes Bota (Portugal, EPP/CD) presented, on this
occasion, the interim results of the mid-term evaluation of the campaign
(PDF) to which 40 national delegations, representing 80% of European
citizens, contributed.
The final report taking stock of the parliamentary dimension of the
Council of Europe Campaign to Combat Violence against Women, including
Domestic Violence, and of the outlook for the future will be submitted
to PACE at its 2008 autumn part-session.
Parliaments united in combating domestic violence against
the past two years, national parliaments and the PACE have joined forces
throughout Europe to combat domestic violence against
women and implement the parliamentary dimension of the Council of Europe
campaign launched in Madrid on 27 November 2006. The
network of contact parliamentarians has worked hard to combat this
unacceptable violation of human rights. The commitment of these
parliamentarians invites us all to continue the struggle for all women
who are the victims of domestic violence.
Lluís Maria de Puig, President of
the Parliamentary Assembly
Governmental dimension
of the Campaign
Local and regional dimension of the Campaign |
Why an Assembly action?
violence against women is on the rise again and occurs in every single Council
of Europe member state. It knows no geographical boundaries, has no age
limit, is not the preserve of any particular race, and occurs in every kind
of family relationship and in every sort of social milieu.. Domestic violence
is characterised by violent conduct in various forms, physical,
(more...) |
This page has not been updated
since 30 June 2008
committee on Equal Opportunities calls for a framework convention
Strasbourg, 24 June 2008
José Mendes Bota (Portugal, EPP/CD), Rapporteur for PACE Committee on
Equal Opportunities for Women and Men, said today, with the support of
Council of Europe Secretary General Terry Davis, that it was
overwhelmingly important for the Council of Europe to prepare a
framework convention covering the severest and most widespread forms of
violence against women in Europe.
exhibition ‘Break the silence on domestic violence’ to open at the
French Senate
Paris, 24 June 2008
At the initiative of Senator Jean-Guy Branger (France, EPP/CD), who is a
member of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) and a
contact parliamentarian for the Council of Europe campaign "Stop
domestic violence against women", a Council of Europe photo exhibition,
“Break the silence on domestic violence”, officially opens at the French
Senate. The opening was attended by the Deputy Speaker of the Senate,
Michèle André, the head of the Senate delegation for women’s rights
and gender equality, Gisèle Gautier.
(more...) |
Combating domestic violence against women: a challenge for social
Paris, 15 May 2008
At a colloquy held today by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of
Europe (PACE) in the French National Assembly, Rama Yade, State
Secretary responsible for Foreign Affairs and Human Rights, said that
the level of progress made by any society could be gauged by the status
of women in that society, and that combating domestic violence against
women was not only a matter affecting the status of women but also a
challenge for the whole process of social development.
Halonen, President of the Republic of Finland, supports the campaign of
the Council of Europe against Domestic Violence.
Helsinki, 7 April, 2008
At the invitation of Jukka Gustafsson, Contact Parliamentarian for
Finland, Tarja Halonen, President of the Republic of Finland, will hold
the opening address of the
conference dedicated to the situation of Domestic Violence against Women
in Finland (PDF) on 7 April in the Parliament of Finland.
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