The Council of Europe’s Animal Welfare Unit (DG I - Legal Affairs), in co-operation with the European Commission’s Health and Consumer Protection Directorate (DG SANCO), the Directorate-General Enlargement/Technical Assistance Information Exchange Unit (DG ENLARGEMENT/TAIEX) and with the support of the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) organised a 11/2 day interdisciplinary Workshop on “Animal Welfare in Europe: achievements and future perspectives”. The Workshop took place in Strasbourg on 23-24 November 2006 in the premises of the Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France.
The objective of the Workshop was to examine methods of better collaboration between the organisations in drawing up welfare rules and codes and to examine ways of improving of animal welfare standards at operational level.
This event brought together national and international scientific and legal experts and practitioners (representatives of international organisations, veterinary services and other relevant officials), academic experts, scientists and representatives of civil society involved in the protection of animal welfare.
Specific presentations in working groups and plenary session focused on international legal framework as well as on national legislation and practice to approach animal welfare standards setting and their implementation in Europe. Socioeconomic drivers, role of NGO’s trade and consumer groups and the impact of education has also been taken into consideration.
The issue of Animal Welfare in Europe is an up-to-date topic and worth broader coverage and in-depth look.
This Workshop and its follow-up permit to foster closer and more effective co-operation between the relevant international organisations and national entities and provide with an opportunity to bring up the subject for larger audience.