Photo: Terry Davis (left) and Aleksander Kwasniewski, Polish President

Fight against terrorism and organised crime to improve security in Europe

Third High-level meeting of the Ministries of the Interior
17 -18 March 2005, Warsaw (Poland)


European Interior Ministers today pledged their backing to three new Council of Europe conventions designed to stop the actions of terrorists and organised criminals. They called for the three new treaties to be ready in time for the Council’s Warsaw Summit (16-17 May 2005). Polish President Aleksander Kwasniewski told the conference that a perfect and precise legal system was needed to beat criminals who now had no difficulties working across international borders. ''Europe must sharpen its tools. We need to move quickly and translate standards into action'', stressed Secretary General Terry Davis.

Resolution adopted

This third meeting took place in Warsaw upon the invitation of Mr Ryszard KALISZ, Minister of Interior and Administration of the Republic of Poland. This invitation was formulated in the framework of Polish Presidency of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe. The aim of this meeting is to review the current state of legal instruments on the fight against terrorism at international and european level as well as their functioning, and to envisage their future development on the basis of the work carried out by the Council of Europe notably over the past two years. The conclusions of debates constitute an important contribution to the discussions at the 3rd Summit of Heads of State and Government and thereby, to the work programme of the Council of Europe.

Terry Davis, Council of Europe Secretary General : ''We cannot afford to wait for further terrorist attacks before acting'' Aleksander Kwaśniewski, President of the Republic of Poland Jan TRUSZCZYŃSKI, Secretary of State, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland, on behalf of the Chairman of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe
Ryszard Kalisz, Minister of the Interior and Administration of the Republic of Poland: ''It is very important that countries work together to combat terrorism'' Gertraude Kabelka,Chair of the Committee of Experts on Terrorism (CODEXTER)  
 Reference publications  
Information and Working documents
List of reference documents
List of participants
The conference in pictures
Reports presented
Mr Giorgios VOULGARAKIS, Minister of Public Order of Greece

Ms Gertraude E. Kabelka, Chair of the Council of Europe Committee of Experts on Terrorism (CODEXTER)

Dr Piero Luigi Vigna, National Anti-Mafia Prosecutor (Italy) : “The protection of witnesses and collaborators of justice in the fight against terrorism and organised crime: the Italian experience”

Mr Nigel Burrowes, President of PC-TI (Committee of Experts on Special Investigation Techniques) : “Practical approaches and techniques to the fight against terrorism and organised crime”

Reference Publications
“Apologie du terrorisme” and "incitement to terrorism"
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The fight against terrorism - Council of Europe standards (2nd edition)
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“Organised crime in Europe: the threat of cybercrime - Situation report 2004”
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