Consultation questions

The background of the consultation process for the White Paper on Intercultural Dialogue is explained in the “Consultation document”, which can be downloaded here.
The Council of Europe is particularly interested in receiving views on the following 33 questions.

More information on your contribution to the consultation process

The challenge of managing cultural diversity in democratic societies
The concept of intercultural dialogue
Organising intercultural dialogue
Co-operation with other international organisations

The challenge of managing cultural diversity in democratic societies 

1. How urgent are efforts to promote intercultural dialogue today? Why are they urgent?

2. Which is the most promising overall “vision” for living together in multicultural societies? What is the most suitable model for managing its diversity in a democratic way?

3. How do cultural diversity and human rights relate to one another?

4. What can be done to give cultural diversity a more positive connotation than it has today? What should the response be to intolerant, racist and xenophobic tendencies in public debate?

5. Which measures are necessary to enable cultural minorities, such as migrants and national minorities, to express their cultural identity and to contribute to the cultural richness of the whole society?

The concept of intercultural dialogue 

6. How can we best define “intercultural dialogue”?

7. In which political, social and cultural contexts can “intercultural dialogue” play a relevant role?

8. Are there minimum conditions that must be achieved in order to make intercultural dialogue possible?

9. What is necessary for moving from intercultural dialogue to joint action?

10. Which role does the principle of gender equality play in intercultural dialogue?

11. How can formal, informal and non-formal education promote intercultural dialogue and prepare individuals for living in a multicultural society?

12. Which underlying values are important for the policy of promoting intercultural dialogue? Are “new” values needed?

13. Are there “natural” limitations to what intercultural dialogue can achieve? What are the possibilities of dialogue with those who do not share our world view, have a different interpretation of shared values or refuse to engage in dialogue?

14. Which dialogue methods are specifically suited for promoting intercultural understanding?

15. What are the expected political and individual “results” of intercultural dialogue? How can they be “measured”?

16. How can the capacity of individuals, groups and institutions for intercultural dialogue be enhanced?

17. What makes a practical example of intercultural dialogue an “example of good practice”?

Organising intercultural dialogue 

18. How can civil society organisations be encouraged to strengthen their commitment to intercultural dialogue at international, national and local levels?

19. What is the responsibility of political parties in promoting intercultural dialogue? Which specific role can they play?

20. How can the equal participation of men and women in intercultural dialogue be ensured?

21. How can intercultural dialogue be promoted in the local community?

22. How can intercultural dialogue be promoted through measures at the national level?

23. What is the place of religious communities in a policy promoting intercultural dialogue? Which significance does the dialogue have among religious communities?

24. Should the Council of Europe engage in dialogue with religious communities? If yes, how?

25. How can awareness be strengthened that intercultural dialogue is not “just” a cultural issue, but needs systematic supportive action in other policy areas?

26. Which institutional arrangements must be put in place to ensure a better coordination of the different policy areas concerned – at international, national and local levels?

27. Where should the policy of “mainstreaming” intercultural dialogue begin, which policy areas should have priority over others?

28. How can international organisations, such as the Council of Europe, support local and national initiatives for the promotion of intercultural dialogue?

29. How can cultural industries, including journalists and media organisations, be encouraged to develop approaches that more effectively promote intercultural dialogue?

30. How can examples of good practice (in the area of intercultural dialogue) be publicised in the best way?

Co-operation with other international organisations 

31. What is the “added value” of Council of Europe action on intercultural dialogue, which distinguishes it from that of other international organisations?

32. How should the Council of Europe co-operate with other international institutions, in order to achieve a maximum impact of activities promoting cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue?

33. How can the Council of Europe contribute to the “Alliance of Civilizations” initiative of the United Nations?