How to propose an example of best practice

The Council of Europe welcomes your proposals for examples of best practice in the area of intercultural dialogue. Selected examples will be presented in the White Paper on Intercultural Dialogue.

Your proposal should provide information on the following aspects.

1. Title of the project

2. Organiser(s) of the project (association, institution, public body, school etc) including name, postal address, e-mail address, web site, telephone, fax

3. Themes addressed by the project (e.g. art, communication, new technologies, social cohesion, equality, fight against racism, development of participative citizenship, history/collective memory, education/training, standard of living, sustainable development, environment, health, rural areas, cities/urban areas, work/employment/professional integration, illiteracy, fight against exclusion, solidarity between generations, international solidarity, interreligious dialogue, cultural diversity, raising awareness of religious practices, mobility, democracy, minorities, fight against stereotypes, integration, equality between men and women, conflict prevention, cultural co-operation, freedom of expression, human rights, linguistic diversity, media)

4. Target groups (beneficiaries)

5. Intervention level (international, national, local), geographic area

6. Objectives

7. Start and end date

8. Description of activities (participants, activities)

9. Outcomes (reports, publications, exhibitions, press releases etc)

10. Budget and financial sources

11. Overall project results, evaluation

12. Follow-up (planned or already realised)

13. Why is this project regarded as an “example of good practice”?

Nominations should reach the Council of Europe either in English or French language (preferably in both) before the end of April 2007.
The text volume should not exceed 1.000 words.
Your proposal should be in English or French. It should reach us


Mrs Gabriella Battaini-Dragoni
Coordinator for Intercultural Dialogue, DG IV
Council of Europe
67075 Strasbourg

What is an “example of best practice”?