
 The following table presents the key competences for teachers which will enable them to engage with socio-cultural diversity in the classroom and in school community. We suggest that values and attitudes are not defined in terms of competences but should permeate all of the competences. Furthermore, whilst the competences in this publication are related to the individual, they will be most readily attained through collective learning processes. The main three areas of competences are knowledge and understanding; communication and relationships; and management and teaching. Each of these forms a cluster of competences and these are presented with a justification of their importance for teachers in Volume 3.

Knowledge and understanding

Communication and relationships

Management and teaching

Competence 1

Knowledge and understanding of the political, legal and structural context of socio-cultural diversity

Competence 7

Initiating and sustaining positive communication with pupils, parents and colleagues from different socio-cultural backgrounds

Competence 13

Addressing socio-cultural diversity in curriculum and institutional development

Competence 2

Knowledge about international frameworks and understanding of the key principles that relate to socio-cultural diversity education

Competence 8

Recognising and responding to the communicative and cultural aspects of language(s) used in school

Competence 14

Establishing a participatory, inclusive and safe  learning environment

Competence 3

Knowledge about different dimensions of diversity, eg ethnicity, gender, special needs and understanding their implications in school settings

Competence 9

Creating open-mindedness and respect in the school community

Competence 15

Selecting and modifying teaching methods for the learning needs of pupils

Competence 4

Knowledge of the range of teaching approaches, methods and materials for responding to diversity

Competence 10

Motivating and stimulating all pupils to engage in learning individually and in co-operation with others

Competence 16

Critically evaluating diversity within teaching materials, eg textbooks, videos, media

Competence 5

Skills of inquiry into different socio-cultural issues

Competence 11

Involving all parents in school activities and collective decision-making

Competence 17

Using of a variety of approaches to culturally sensitive teaching and assessment

Competence 6

Reflection on one’s own identity and engagement with diversity

Competence 12

Dealing with conflicts and violence to prevent margin-alization and school failure

Competence 18

Systematic reflection on and evaluation of own practice and its impact on students