MEDIANE in the news
Mediane Encounter for an Inclusive Diversity in the Media - RAI, Bologna, ItalyDecember 2014
MateRadio 2014 - RAI TV Report
September 2014
TRM Art TV Network talks about Mediane in MateRadio 2014
September 2014
RAI Radio 3 Mondo Show talks about Mediane
September 2014
The Future of the BBC: The Burning Issue of Diversity Behind & on Screen - Dr Myria Georgiou & Shakuntala Banaji
LSE Media Policy Project - July 2014
The Future of the BBC: the Burning Issue of Diversity Behind & on Screen
LSE, Media Policy Project - 22/07/2014
Mediane UK Conference and the highlights
Interview of Marino Sinibaldi, Director of RAI Radio 3
RAI Radio 3 - 04/2014
RAI Tutta La Citta Ne Parla Radio Show announces Mediane European Encounter in Lisbon
Mars 2014
Internet : il faut �duquer, mais comment ?
Anne-Claire Orban de Xivry - 02/03/2014
Incontri: Uniti per la Diversita
Babel TV - 13/11/2013
"We must invest in the diversity of newsrooms"
European Federation of Journalists - 15/10/2013
Webdocumentaire, Exil�s au large de Damas
Sonia Ghezali, M�lanie Challe, Nicolas Servain, La Vie - 18/09/13
Encuentro sobre la diversidad medi�tica en Donostia
Gara - 16/09/13
Los medios de comunicaci�n de Europa est�n trabajando en la inclusi�n de la diversidad, en Aiete
Gaur - 13/09/13
Europako hedabideak aniztasunaren inklusioa sustatzeko lanean ari dira egunotan Aieten
Gaur - 13/09/13
Mediane topaketa tematikoak Donostian, Pausumedia GKE-k antolaturik
Antxeta Irratia - 13/09/13
MEDIANE - Media in Europe for Diversity Inclusiveness
Antxeta Irratia - 13/09/13
Vielfalt in den Medien?
Newsletter, Klipp+Klang - 02/07/13
Ben Rhouma: 'Ein Infoportal nur f�r MuslimInnen w�re absurd'
Simon Inou, M Media - 27/06/13
Idanha brilha na Europa
Vitor Tome, Reconquista - 20/06/13
Le Conseil de l'Europe � l'oeuvre pour une diversit� inclusive dans les m�dias
Hanan Ben Rhouma, Saphir News - 19/06/13
EU / CoE MEDIANE project – Media in Europe for Diversity Inclusiveness
Association of Commercial Television in Europe (ACT) - 17/06/13
Zypern: Wie die UNO in Europa Frieden stiftet
Simon Inou, M Media - 17/06/13
Un programma europeo per la non discriminazione e l'inclusione della diversit� nei media. Lavori al via a Cipro: Lucca in Diretta fra gli attori del progetto
Enrico Pace, Lucca in Diretta - 16/06/13
Reconquista no Chipre
Vitor Tome, Reconquista - 13/06/13
RadioCentre attends MEDIANE Diversity Conference
Lindsay Bennett Ford, Radio Centre - 12/06/13
ERT-Schlie�ung: "Die Journalisten senden bis die Polizei sie rauswirft"
Simon Inou, M Media - 12/06/13
MEDIANE Diversity Round Up Tuesday 11 June
CCMC, MYCY Radio - 11/06/13
Medyada Farkllklarn yanstlmas semineri balad
Haber Tarihi, Star Kibris- 11/06/13
Avrupa basara b�lgede buluacak
Haber Tarihi, Star Kibris- 10/06/13
MEDIANE Diversity Round Up Monday 10 June
CCMC, MYCY Radio - 10/06/13
Zypern: M-MEDIA bei der EU Medienfachtagung f�r Diversit�t und Inklusion
Simon Inou, M Media - 09/06/13
MEDIANE European Encounter on Diversity Inclusiveness
Association of European Journalists – Bulgaria - 06/06/13
MEDIANE Diversity Round Up Day 3 12 June
CCMC, MYCY Radio - 03/06/13
MEDIANE - towards inclusive media in Europe
Babel TV - 06/2013