< aspl> Anti-discrimination Campaign of the Council of Europe - Ressources - Themes - Racism and Antisemitism
  Racism and Antisemitism

Committed to Making a Difference: Racism, antisemitism, xenophobia and intolerance and their impact on young people in Europe (2008)

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Reference Texts

Rec(2001)6E/18 July 2001 on the prevention of racism, xenophobia and racial intolerance in sport
Recommendation 1543 (2001) on racism and xenophobia in cyberspace
Resolution 264(2008) on the social approach to the fight against racism at local and regional level.
Recommendation 246(2008) on the social approach to the fight against racism at local and regional level
Viewpoint '' Hate crimes – the ugly face of racism, anti-Semitism, anti-Gypsyism, Islamophobia and homophobia"
Viewpoint ''The new European migration policy should be based on human rights principles, not xenophobia''
ECRI : General Policy Recommendations

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Trond Thorbjørnsen, leader of SOS Racism in Norway
Lilian Thuram (France)
Momodou Jallow ( Equality for Afro-Swedes, Malmo, Sweden)

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Strasbourg, 12 December 2006 - Exchange of views between Terry Davis and the ECRI
Strasbourg, 29 June 2006 - Campaign launch ''All Different - all Equal''
Paris, 21 March 2005 - International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

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Focus on Racism 23 February 2009
Kadin Magazine – a Turkish community media innovation in the Netherlands 22 June 2009
The Fight Against Racism In Football Stadia 2 March 2009

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Roma, Gypsies, Travellers (1998)

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Reference Texts

Rec(2006)10E/12 July 2006 on better access to health care for Roma and Travellers in Europe
Viewpoint ''Roma representatives must be welcomed into political decision-making"
Viewpoint ''The shameful history of anti-Gypsism is forgotten - and repeated
Viewpoint ''Hate crimes – the ugly face of racism, anti-Semitism, anti-Gypsyism, Islamophobia and homophobia"
Viewpoint ''The key to the promotion of Roma rights: early and inclusive education”

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Holger Gustavsen - Taternes Landsforening (8 April 2009)

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  Strasbourg, 24/11/2008 - Fourth Plenary Assembly of the European Roma and Travellers Forum
Strasbourg, 13/12/2005 - Opening ceremony of First Plenary Assembly of the European Roma and Travellers Forum
Strasbourg, 15/12/2004 - European Roma and Travellers Forum
Strasbourg, 11/03/2008 - Conference on Ten Years of Protecting National Minorities and Regional or Minority Languages
Strasbourg, 26/11/2007 - Third Plenary Assembly of the European Roma and Travellers Forum
Strasbourg, 6/11/2006 - Opening Second Plenary Assembly of the European Roma and Traveller Forum
Strasbourg, 17/01/2006 - ''The Holocaust against the Roma and Sinti and present day racism in Europe''
Strasbourg, 6/06/2005 - Forum of European Roma Young People (FERYP)

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Hungary: ''Rule of law is failing to protect Roma'' - 17 March 2009
Focus on Roma - 17 February 2009

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  Committed to Making a Difference: Racism, antisemitism, xenophobia and intolerance and their impact on young people in Europe (Symposium report) (2008)
Domino - A manual to use peer group education as a means to fight racism, xenophobia, anti-semitism and intolerance(2005)

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Reference Texts

Resolution 1563 (2007) on combating anti-Semitism in Europe
Resolution 1495 (2006) on combating the resurgence of Nazi ideology
Viewpoint ''Hate crimes – the ugly face of racism, anti-Semitism, anti-Gypsyism, Islamophobia and homophobia"

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  Serge Cwajgenbaum - Secretary General of the European Jewish Congress (12/02/2009)

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Lessons learned? Holocaust remembrance and combating anti-Semitism in 2008
Commemoration of the victims of the Holocaust [fr]
''The Holocaust against the Roma and Sinti and present day racism in Europe''

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Anti-Semitism in Europe

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