Summer School on Social Security

Many of the persons who start to work in social security administrations have got a mono-disciplinary education (law, economics, sociology, etc.); they often receive an in-house training in their specific field of activity but lack a general knowledge of the general principles shaping their work-field. Hence, the Summer School provides in a multidisciplinary way a first initiation in the general principles of social security. It allows the participants to understand better the theoretical framework in which they operate daily.

3rd Summer School

The 3rd  Summer School will take place

in Mavrovo, "the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia",

from the 16 to the 29 May 2010

  Macedonian Flag  
3rd Summer School on Social Security, Mavrovo, "the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia", 16 - 29 May 2010


2nd Summer School

The 2nd  Summer School will take place

in Izmir, Turkey,

from the 24 May to the 6 June 2009

2nd Summer School on Social Security, Izmir, Turkey, 24 May - 6 June 2009



1st Summer School

The 1st Summer School took place

in Jahorina, Bosnia and Herzegovina,

from the 23 August to the 5 September 2008


1st Summer School on Social Security, Jahorina, Bosnia, 23 August - 5 September 2008

Draft Programme


ARCHIVES of the SISP Programme:


3rd Summer School on Social Security co-ordination - Trogir, Croatia - 27 May - 8 June 2007


2nd Summer School on Social Security co-ordination - Budva, Montenegro - 21 August  - 1 September 2006



1st Summer School on Social Security co-ordination - Ohrid "The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia", 22 August-2 September 2005