Social Security Coordination and Social Security Reforms




Reports SSC SSR

bullet Inception Report
Legal Analysis:
bullet Adverse Impact Of Global Fınancıal Crısıs On Employment And Socıal Securıty In Turkey by Suleyman YAZIR (Turkish version)
bullet The Legal Analysis of Safety at Work in Montenegro by Uroš Zeković
bullet Croatian legislation regulating working status of migrant workers(EU and non-EU)and exercising rights which derive from the working status (their social rights) in relation to acquis communautaire by prof. dr. Iris Goldner LANG Croatian version
bullet Evaluation of the Albanian Legislation on Social Security as compared to the standards of European Code of Social Security and to the EU Regulation 1408/1 by Albrecht OTTING
- Annex 1
- Annex 2
- Annex 3
- Annex 4
bullet An Analysis of Laws on Health Insurance in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Entity, Brcko District and Cantonal where applicable) in Order to Identify Differences Between Them and the Existing EU Principles by Nada ZUKIC Bosnian version
bullet Legal Analysis on pension and invalidity insurance in Macedonia, with emphasis on developing of the revised version of the legal act and proposing norms and standards for working places with increased insurance service (periods) by Ivan BIMBILOVSKI
bullet Synthetic report on the national law of the beneficiary parties as to the tension between health care as a human right of all persons and the organisation of the coverage via social insurance by Prof PIETERS & Prof SCHOUKENS
The views expressed in this report are under the responsibility of the authors and do not reflect the position of the Council of Europe
bullet European and International standards as to the healthcare coverage to be granted to people staying on the territory by Raf Van GOETHEM
The views expressed in this report are under the responsibility of the author and do not reflect the position of the Council of Europe
bullet Techniques of maintaining rights to healthcare coverage in partner countries (co-ordination and other techniques) into the South Eastern Europe region by Filip DEWALLENS
The views expressed in this report are under the responsibility of the author  and do not reflect the position of the Council of Europe
bullet Best practices of selected EU countries concerning the provision of healthcare services to people not covered by social (healthcare) insurance by Willy PALM
The views expressed in this report are under the responsibility of the author and  do not reflect the position of the Council of Europe
bullet Social security of migrant seasonal workers-2010 by Grega STRBAN

- Regional report
- Albania
- Bosnia & Herzegovina
- Croatia
- Montenegro
- Serbia
- "the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia"
- Turkey
- Kosovo*

The views expressed in this report are under the responsibility of the author and  do not reflect the position of the Council of Europe

* All references to Kosovo, whether to the territory, institutions or population, in this text shall be understood in full compliance with United Nation Security Council 1244 and without prejudice to the status of Kosovo

Archives SISP

Managing the risks of mandatory  2nd pillar pension schemes; the situation in the former Yugoslavia and Albania, by Prof. Dr Gijsbert Vonk, Vrije Univeriteit Amsterdam


Contibution collection systems and possible measures to improve their effectiveness, Prof. Dr. Grega Strban University of Ljubljana


Information Centers and One-Stop-Shops, Albania, Montenegro, Croatia,


Securing social protection for farmers. Farmers’ social protection in Serbia, Albania and Macedonia set off against European best practices, by Prof. Dr Paul Schoukens, European Institute of Social Security


Bringing to the surface black and grey work, a study on social security strategies to fight undeclared work, by Prof Dr Danny Pieters, European Institute of Social Securityy


Reports on the present state and future of Social Security in the Cards countries


National Memoranda


Examination of the CARDS-SISP Countries' Social Security systems in comparison with the Council of Europe's Interim Agreements and the European Convention on Social and Medical Assistance, by Prof Dr Grega Strban, Faculty of Law - University of Ljubljana


Examination of the CARDS-SISP Countries' Social Security systems on their conformity with the European standards as contained in the instruments of the Council of Europe and the policy documents of the European Union, from ao. Univ-Prof. Dr. Beatrix KARL University of Graz, Faculty of Law


Report on the relevance of EU legislation for the social security right of persons from SISP countries who move between the Balkan region and the EU Member States, by Prof. Dr Gijsbert Vonk, Vrije Univeriteit Amsterdam