9-10 March 2009, First Seminar on Pensions*

 Presentation by Prof. Stevens  

 Presentation by Prof. Roels  

 Presentation by the Albanian Delegation  

Presentation by the Bosnian Delegation (Federation) 

Presentation by the Bosnian Delegation (Republica Srpska) 

Presentation by the Croatian Delegation

 Presentation by the Montenegrin Delegation

Presentation by the Serbian Delegation

Presentation by the Macedonian Delegation

Presentation by the Turkish Delegation

Presentation by the Delegation of Kosovo1


1 All references to Kosovo, whether to the territory, institutions or population, in this text shall be understood in full compliance with United Nation Security Council 1244 and without prejudice to the status of Kosovo

* The views expressed in the presentations are under the full responsability of the experts and does not reflect the position of the Council of Europe