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General description
Pilot Group
Public policies and legislation
Good Practices
Awareness raising seminars

Joint publications with Alternatives Economiques


L'Economie Politique n°39 Pour un nouveau modèle de consommation - 2008

Special edition of the French monthly magazine Alternatives Economiques

Series Trends in Social Cohesion
Methodological guides

European dialogue platform on ethical and solidarity-based initiatives for combating poverty and social exclusion

Recommendations and resolutions of the Council of Europe on poverty and social exclusion based on citizens' responsibility


Committee of Ministers

Recommendation Rec(2007)8 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on legal solutions to debt problems
Recommendation Rec(2003)19
of the Committee of Ministers to member states on improving access to social rights
Recommendation Rec(2000)3 
on the Right to the Satisfaction of Basic Material Needs of Persons in Situations of Extreme Hardship
Recommendation Rec(93)1 on effective access to the law and to justice to the very poor
Recommendation (82)8
on employment policy and the protection of workers against the effects of unemployment

Parliamentary Assembly

Resolution 1541 (2007) The role of ethical and solidarity-based financing and responsible consumption in social cohesion

Recommendation 1786(2007) Towards responsible food consumption
Recommendation 1646(2004) Improving the prospects of developing countries: a moral imperative for the world
Recommendation 1594(2003) Follow-up to the World Summit on Sustainable Development: a common challenge
Recommendation 1487(2000) Development of a new social system
Recommendation 1463(2000)
Second World Summit on Social Development
Recommendation 1532(2001)
A dynamic social policy for children and adolescents in towns and cities
Recommendation 1355(1998)
Fighting social exclusion and strengthening social cohesion in Europe
Recommendation 1340(1997) on the social and family effects of detention
Recommendation 1336(1997) on combating child labour exploitation as a matter of priority
Recommendation 1290(1996) on the follow-up to the Copenhagen Summit on social development
Recommendation 1243(1994) on demographic change and sustainable development
Recommendation 1023(1986) on youth unemployment
Recommandation 893(1980) on poverty in Europe

Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe

Recommendation 230(2008) Local and regional authorities committed to sustainable consumption

Recommendation 244(2008) on responsible consumption and solidarity-based finance

Recommendation 210(2007) on the evolution of extreme poverty in European towns
Recommendation 207(2007) on the development of social cohesion indicators - The concerted local and regional approach
Recommendation 154(2004) on fighting severe poverty in towns: the role of local authorities
Recommendation 129(2003) on employment and vulnerable groups
Recommendation 53(1999)
on policies for deprived children/adolescents and families

Resolution 247(2008) Local and regional authorities committed to sustainable consumption

Resolution 263(2008) on responsible consumption and solidarity-based finance

Resolution 229(2007) on the evolution of extreme poverty in European towns
Resolution 226(2007) on the development of social cohesion indicators - The concerted local and regional approach
Resolution 182(2004) on fighting severe poverty in towns: the role of local authorities
Resolution 153(2003) on employment and vulnerable groups
Resolution 74(1999)
on policies for deprived children/adolescents and families