European dialogue platform on ethical
and solidarity-based initiatives for combating poverty and social exclusion
Recommendations and resolutions of the
Council of Europe on poverty and social exclusion based on citizens'
Committee of Ministers
Recommendation Rec(2007)8
of the Committee of Ministers to member states on legal solutions to debt problems Recommendation Rec(2003)19
of the Committee of Ministers to member states on improving
access to social rights Recommendation Rec(2000)3 on
the Right to the Satisfaction of Basic Material Needs of Persons in
Situations of Extreme Hardship Recommendation Rec(93)1
on effective access to the law and to justice to the very poor Recommendation (82)8
on employment policy and the protection of workers against the
effects of unemployment
Parliamentary Assembly
Resolution 1541 (2007)The role of ethical and solidarity-based
financing and responsible consumption in social cohesion
Resolution 229(2007)
on the evolution of extreme poverty in European towns Resolution 226(2007)
on the development of social cohesion indicators - The concerted local and
regional approach Resolution 182(2004)
on fighting severe poverty in towns: the role of local authorities
Resolution 153(2003)on employment and vulnerable groups Resolution 74(1999)
on policies for deprived children/adolescents and families