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General description
Pilot Group
Public policies and legislation
Good Practices
Awareness raising seminars

Joint publications with Alternatives Economiques


L'Economie Politique n°39 Pour un nouveau modèle de consommation - 2008

Special edition of the French monthly magazine Alternatives Economiques

Series Trends in Social Cohesion
Methodological guides

European dialogue platform
on ethical and solidarity-based initiatives
for combating poverty and social exclusion
The platform is a set of activities conceived and implemented around this idea of dialogue and coordinated by a Pilot Group, backed by the Social Cohesion Development Division.

Some of these activities are carried out in the framework of the platform itself; others are carried out by partners of the platform in direct cooperation with it. There is a distinction between:

activities carried out by Council of Europe bodies (Committees of the Parliamentary Assembly and Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe);

activities carried out by the European Inter-network of ethical and solidarity-based initiatives (IRIS)

Activities specific to the platform include:

the functioning of the Pilot Group;
consultative panels on specific themes;
studies made for these themes, the results of which will be systematised by an observatory function;
meetings and seminars to publicise the new approaches;
conducting specific common actions.


27 & 28 November 2008
Seminar, Palais de l'Europe, Strasbourg

Related documents
Recommendations and resolutions of the Council of Europe on poverty and social exclusion
General description
Synoptic table of partnership
Action plan