The Department
Social Cohesion Development and Research
Social Security
Access to Social Rights
Social Policy for Families and Children
Ministerial conferences
Presentation of the Conference
Final Declaration of the Conference


Dialogue platform on ethical and solidarity-based initiatives for combating poverty and social exclusion
Awareness raising seminars
Methodological tool to develop co-responsibility for social cohesion
Annual Forums
Series Trends in social cohesion
Methodological Guides
Other publications

Calendar of the activities
of the Social Policy Department
in 2010


















 20-21 January, Strasbourg

Bureau of the European Committee for Social Cohesion

 25-29 January, Bratislava

Technical expertise on the signature/ratification by the Slovak Republic of the ECSS





24-25 February, Strasbourg

European Committee for Social Cohesion (CDCS)

Week in February

Training in intercultural competences :  meeting on the Guide

Week in February

Social mobility – study visit with two experts to Berlin



18-19 March, Paris

6th meeting of the Drafting Committee on Evaluation Criteria (CAHPAH-DCEC)

Week in March?

1st meeting of the Ad Hoc Advisory Group on Children’s Rights and Social Services




8-9 April 2010

 3rd meeting of the Committee of Experts on fostering social mobility (CS-SM)

20-22 April 2010 

 5th meeting of the Committee of Experts on Social Security (CS-SS) 

22-23 April, Paris (to be confirmed)

Meeting of Ad hoc advisory group on Shared Social Responsibilities (CS-S-RSP)

22-23 April, Paris

3rd meeting of the Bureau of the European Co-ordination Forum for the Council of Europe Disability Action Plan 2006-2015 (CAHPAH-BU)

29-30 April, Madrid


Week in April

Launch of “creating employment through social links” project


First week of May, Skopje

Steering Committee meeting of SSCSSR

16-28 May, Serbia or Macedonia

Summer School of SSCSSR

Week 24-28 May

Workshop on housing (brainstorming)

26-28 May, Strasbourg

3rd meeting of the Committee of experts on the participation of people with disabilities in political and public life (CAHPAH-PPL)



June, Paris

Launch of the Guide on citizen participation in the definition of well-being indicators (together with the French government)


Launch of the CE Action Plan for Social Cohesion (Chairmanship event)

Week 14-18 June

Social mobility – study visit with two experts to Italy

17 June, Ankara

State Secretaries meeting (SSCSSR Programme)

18 June, Ankara

SSCSSR Steering Committee meeting

2 days June, Norway or Portugal?

Conference:  Mid-term Review of the Council of Europe Disability Action Plan 2006-2015 (CAHPAH) (or December, if Turkey)

Week 26 June – 2 July

Social mobility among young people – International Seminar



8-9 July, Strasbourg

MISSCEO Network meeting (Mutual information system on social protection of the Council of Europe)

? July, Evpatoria, Crimea, Ukraine

Strategy for development of vocational rehabilitation and employment for people with disabilities in Ukraine





Week 13-17 September, Moscow

SS co-operation with the Russian Federation – expert meeting in Moscow together with ILO

Week 13-17, September, Ukraine

CoE-ILO round-table on the re-organisation of social services in Ukraine

14-17 September, Vilnius


27-29 September, Strasbourg

4th meeting of the European Co-ordination Forum for the Council of Europe Disability Action Plan 2006-2015 (CAHPAH)





October, Balkans or Strasbourg

Ministerial Conference on Social Security Coordination and Social Security Reforms in South East Europe

7-9 October, Skopje

EASPD Conference on community living for people with disabilities (FYROM CM Chairmanship)

12 October, Montenegro

SSCSSR Ministerial Conference

11-15 October, Strasbourg

4th meeting of the Committee of Experts on fostering social mobility (CS-SM)

25-29 October, Switzerland

21st Training Course on Social Security

28-29 October, Paris

7th meeting of the Drafting Committee on Evaluation Criteria (CAHPAH-DCEC)

28-29 October, University of Alcala


Week in October?

2nd Meeting of the Ad hoc Advisory Group on Children’s Rights and Services



17-19 November, Strasbourg

4th meeting of the Committee of experts on the participation of people with disabilities in political and public life (CAHPAH-PPL)

18-19 November, Strasbourg

Round Table on Social Mobility

Week 22-26 November, Strasbourg

Meeting of 4 consultants who will examine reports of Member States received under Art. 76 ECSS

Week 29 November – 3 December

2nd MISSCEO meeting

November, Belgium

Launch of the Guide on citizen participation in the definition of well-being indicators (under the Belgian Presidence of the European Union)



2-3 December, Strasbourg or Brussels (to be confirmed)

Conference “A Europe of Shared and Social Responsabilities” organised with the European Commission

 2 days December, Turkey?

Conference:  Mid-term Review of the Council of Europe Disability Action Plan 2006-2015 (CAHPAH)