Health Policy

The right to the protection of health 

The protection of health and the public consultation processes are important values for the Council of Europe and its member states. The support member states in strengthening these aspects in an integrated manner, the Council of Europe initiated a health-related project for 2012-2013 entitled "Citizens' consultation platform on the right to the protection of health" is being curried out under the supervision of the European Committee for Social Cohesion (CDCS). The aim of this project are to empower citizens, to promote citizens' participation and consultation, to improve the protection of health through increased Health Literacy and Health Education.

The project was developed by:

Conducting a Survey on good practices on citizens' consultation in health care in cooperation with the European Health Literacy Network and producing of a "Summary Report on the Results of the survey".

Organising a Workshop on interactive fora in cooperation with the South-Eastern Europe Health Network, 8-9 November 2012, Strasbourg

Producing of a "Model of a citizens' consultation platform on the right to the protection of health"

Producing an "Inventory of good practices to promote health education and strategies to advance health literacy"

Producing a "Training Programme on Health Literacy for Elderly People"

Producing a Position Paper on "Social Cohesion and Health Literacy"

Organising launching events to disseminate the "Model of a citizens' consultation platform on the right to the protection of health".

Citizens' consultation on the right to the protection of health

The project aims to support member states in improving the health of their populations as an essential condition for social cohesion. To that end the project will promote citizens' health education and health literacy, including health information exchanges through internet, social networking and other interactive fora. Health literacy is the capacity to make sound health decisions in the context of everyday life and is a critical empowerment strategy to increase people's control over their health, their ability to seek out information and their ability to take responsibility

Under Article 11 of the Social Charter "The right to Protection of Health", health education must be a priority of public health policy. The project also supports member states in implementing the Oviedo Convention: Article 28 - "Public debate"


Revised European Social Charter - Article 11 - "The right to the protection of health"

With a view to ensuring the effective exercise of the right to protection of health, the Parties undertake, either directly or in cooperation with public or private organisations, to take appropriate measures designed inter alia:

1. to promote as far as possible the causes of ill-treatment;

2. to provide advisory and educational facilities for the promotion of health and the encouragement of individual responsibility in matters of health;

3. to prevent as far as possible epidemic, endemic and other diseases, as well as accidents.


Convention on Human rights and Biomedicine (Oviedo Convention) - Article 28 - "Public Debate"

Parties to this Convention shall see to it that the fundamental questions raised by the developments of biology and medicine are the subject of appropriate public discussion in the light, in particular, of relevant medical, social, economic, ethical and legal implications, and that their possible application is made the subject of appropriate consultation.



Strasbourg, France


An International Workshop on a Model of a citizens' consultation platform on the right to the protection of health, organized by the Social Cohesion and Integration Division, was held on 8-9 November 2012 in Strasbourg, France. It was attended by about 40 professionals from all relevant disciplines (doctors, health professionals, representatives of the Ministries and Public Health Institutes, members of Parliaments, health networks, etc. ) as well as representatives of patient organisations.


The objectives of the Workshop were to provide the Ministries of Health of the Council of Europe member states' with the results of replies to the Council of Europe Survey, presentation and discussion of examples of good practice and strategies on citizens' consultation, presentation and discussion of the Council of Europe's Draft  "Model on a citizens' consultation platform on the right to the protection of health".


To that end, the participants of the Workshop were invited to provide the Council of Europe Secretariat with additional examples of country experience on citizens' consultation, patients' rights protection, health promotion, and to develop the Draft Model of consultation platform on the right to the protection of health.






29-30 November 2012, Kyiv, Ukraine


The First National Patient Safety Congress: "Patients' Satefy - Doctors' Safety - State's Safety" in Kyiv was supported in the frame of the Council of Europe Action Plan for Ukraine 2011-2014 "A partnership for Reform". The Congress was organized by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and the All-Ukrainian Council for Patients' Rights and Safety. The Council of Europe contributed to the Congress by providing the 4 speakers, several publications and financial support for the publication of the "Green Book on National Action Plan on patient safety with the materials of the First National Congress on patient safety".




Council of Europe's last Ministerial Conference on Health, 29-30 September 2011

9th Council of Europe Conference of Health Ministers, Lisbon, Portugal, 29-30 September 2011: Child-friendly Health Care: Building a Healthy Future for and with Children

European Health Ministres discussed a child-friendly approach to health care. On the agenda were children's rights to health protection, the participation of children, aspects of equity and accessibility to healthcare for every child, and policies and good practices to promote children's health and well-being. The Conference built on the Guidelines on child-friendly health care and the conclusions of the survey referred to above.

Council of Europe Deputy Secretary General, Ms Maud de Boer-Buquicchio, and Portuguese Health Minister, Dr Paulo Moita de Macedo opened the event.

> Final Declaration

> Programme

> Speech of the Deputy Secretary General

> Press release

> List of participants

European Committee for Social Cohesion CDCS

Ministerial Conferences

Survey on citizens' consultation on the right to the protection of health

A Survey on citizens' consultation on the right to the protection of health  was developed in cooperation with the European Health Literacy Network (EHLN) and was sent for completion to the Ministries of Health of the Council of Europe's member-states in June 2012.

The aims of the Survey were:

- To gain a better understanding of the methods used to consult with citizens and how citizens are empowered to exercise their right to the protection of health

- To gather examples of good practice on citizens' participation in health care provision and d�cision making

- To gather examples of good practice on promoting health literacy through different groups of society.

22 countries have replied to the Survey, shared their experiences and provide examples of good practice. Countries: Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Israel ( Presidency of the SEEHN), Lithuania, Moldova, Monaco, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovak Republic, Sweden, Turkey.

Summary Report