– introducing contents regarding reasons and effects of family violence to vocational training curricula for persons working with this type of violence,
– development of education and support programmes regarding prevention of violence against children, partners, elderly persons and persons with disabilities,
– development of legal protection and psychological support programmes for witnesses of family violence,
– preparation of education packages regarding reasons and effects of family violence and training the staff of various institutions dealing with counteracting such violence,
– collecting information on the scope of the phenomenon,
– verifying the effectiveness of support provided to the families,
– preparation of education packages regarding reasons and effects of family violence and training the persons dealing with counteracting such violence,
– developing instruction materials, recommendations, intervention procedures in the family violence situation, with particular attention paid to the procedures included in the “Blue Card”.
– The Programme also provides for activities regarding the perpetrators, such as:
– isolating the perpetrators from the victims, including orders to vacate the lodgings even if the perpetrator is the chief tenant or the owner of the flat/house,
– development and implementation of correction and education programmes for perpetrators,
– the perpetrators performing socially useful work.

Provisions in the Penal Code: art. 157, 197, 207, 212, 216, 217

There is no differentiation in the Penal Code

There is a plan to establish the institution of the victim’s carer which will offer help to the victim.

Institutions supporting the victims of family violence which are run by the gminas.
From among the institutions run by the gminas the overwhelming majority are the consultation points (81%), then the support centres (10%) and the crisis intervention centres.
Consultation points – 1 169
The largest number of consultation points run by the gminas operate in the following voivodeships:

    § Wielkopolskie – 132 (11% of all)
    § Dolnośląskie – 118 (10%)
    § Śląskie – 114 (10%).

The smaller number of such points operate in the following voivodeships:

    § Podlaskie – 28 (2%)
    § Podkarpackie – 31 (2%)
    § Opolskie – 37 (2%).

Support centres - 132
The largest number of support centres run by the gminas operate in the following voivodeships:

    § Wielkopolskie – 25 (19% of all)
    § Śląskie – 19 (14%).
    § Małopolskie – 17 (13%).

The smaller number of such centres operate in the following voivodeships:

    § Podkarpackie – 0
    § Podlaskie – 1 (1%)
    § Świętokrzyskie – 2 (1%).

Crisis intervention centres - 143
Over 13 909 people used the services of 143 crisis intervention centres run by gminas on the territory of the whole country. It means than the average number of persons using the services of one crisis intervention centre was 97. The largest number of people used the services of the centres run by the gminas in the following voivodeships:

    § Dolnośląskie – 5 589 (40% of all people using the services of such centres)
    § Mazowieckie – 2 020 (15%)
    § Lubelskie – 1 740 (13%).

The smallest number of people used the services of such centres in the following voivodeships:

    § Pomorskie - 1
    § Lubuskie - 13
    § Podkarpackie – 21

Institutions supporting the victims of family violence which are run by the poviats.
From among the institutions run by the poviats an overwhelming majority are the crisis intervention centres (72%), then the support centres (12%) and the specialist support centres (10%). Almost 40 000 people used the services of all institutions run by the poviats, the majority of them, i.e. almost 35 000 (88% of all people using the services of those institutions) used the crisis intervention centres.The services of the support centres were used by 3 029 (8%) people.
Support centres – 41
The number of support centres run by the poviats amounted to 41 and the number of people using their services to 3 029, which means that 74 persons on average used the services of one centre.
The specialist support centres for the victims of family violence – 33. In 2006 there were 33 specialist support centres for the victims of family violence run by the poviats in Poland and their services were used by 916 people, which means an average of 28 people per centre.
Houses for mothers with minor children and for pregnant women - 20
20 houses for mothers with minor children and for pregnant women run by the poviats offered 605 places and were used by 701 people which means that the average number of people using the services offered by a single house amounted to 35. The largest number of them was recorded in the Mazowieckie Voivodeship – 251 people (i.e. 36% of all people using the services of the houses for mothers) and the Śląskie Voivodeship – 112 people (16%).
Crisis intervention centres – 235
Almost 35 000 people used the services of 235 crisis intervention centres run by the poviats on the territory of the whole country. It means than the average number of persons using the services of one crisis intervention centre was 148. The largest number of people used the services of the centres run by the poviats in the following voivodeships:

    § Zachodniopomorskie – 12 422 (36% of all people using the services of such centres)
    § Łódzkie – 3 274 (9%)
    § Małopolskie – 3 253 (9%).

The smallest number of people used the services of such centres in the following voivodeships:

    § Opolskie – 519
    § Świętokrzyskie – 534
    § Podlaskie – 74.

Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, acc. To National Action Plan on Counteracting Domestic Violence

Note 1 The Blueprint of the Council of Europe Campaign recommends a ratio for one place in a woman’s shelter per 7.500 inhabitants.