Trafficking in human beings

The Council of Europe is developing standards, monitors compliance with these standards and carries out technical co-operation activities to strengthen the capacities of countries against the abuse and exploitation of human beings.

This includes in particular:

measures against the trafficking in human beings, and
measures against the sexual exploitation and abuse of children.
These help prosecute offenders, protect victims and prevent crime.


Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (CETS No.: 197)

Council of Europe Convention on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse (CETS No.: 201)



Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA)


The Council of Europe is giving support to countries in the implementation of European and international standards in the field of fight against trafficking of human beings and sexual exploitation and sexual abuse of children through technical co-operation projects. These projects are not only funded from the Council of Europe's budget but also, to a large extent, by contributions from states and organisations, in particular the European Commission.



Project on strengthening and protecting women's and children's rights in Ukraine - TRES-UA


The new Joint Project between the Council of Europe and European Commission was announced at the press conference held in Kyiv on 4 September 2008. This Project, on strengthening and protecting women's and children's rights in Ukraine, is part of the new joint action to support Ukrainian authorities and civil society efforts in promoting and protecting gender equality and children's rights in line with international standards. This action will be implemented by the Council of Europe, UNDP and International Labour Organisation (ILO) through separate projects which are financed substantially by the European Commission. An important media and communication project will ensure the visibility of the action.

Link to the project summaries


TRES Ukraine



  UNDP - Ukraine