Regional meeting of Heads of Police and Senior Officials from South-eastern Europe
Sarajevo, 21 September 2006
The Regional meeting of Heads of Police and Senior Officials from South-Eastern Europe was organised by the Council of Europe in the framework of the CARDS Regional Police Project (CARPO).
The meeting reviewed the progress made in implementing the Brijuni strategy adopted by the Ministers of the Interior and Security of South-Eastern Europe on 23 September 2005 in Croatia. Participants also took-stock and assessed the CARPO project’s achievements and discussed the updated situation report on organised and economic crime.
This meeting was the Final conference of CARPO Project which was due to finish on 30 September 2006. The European Commission and the Council of Europe have decided, within the remaining available resources under the original budget, to extend it for another nine month period (from 1 October 2006 to 30 June 2007). During this extension period the CARPO project will focus exclusively on output 1.1-Crime analysis and output 1.2-Financial Investigations.
You can find more information about our forthcoming activities on our Newsletter.