GEPAC: Support to the Anti-corruption strategy of Georgia |
GEPAC Project aims at strengthening Georgian institutions' capacities in their anti-corruption efforts through the implementation of the Anti-corruption Strategy and Action Plan.
Funded by a 700.000 € voluntary contribution of the Ministry for Development Co-operation of the Netherlands, GEPAC will promote technical co-operation among different law-enforcement
and prevention services. Activities 2nd GEPAC Steering Group Meeting
Round Table Discussion on conducting Surveys on Corruption
[23 July, Strasbourg]
Within the frameworks of the projects "Support to
the Anti-corruption Strategy of Azerbaijan (AZPAC)" and
"Support to the Anti-corruption Strategy of Georgia (GEPAC)"
a joint round table discussion on conducting surveys on
corruption was organised in Baku on 16 and 17 July 2008.
The meeting aimed at presenting different methodologies,
best practices and also provided discussion on specific
countries' needs. Training on the implementation of the amendments on the Criminal Code of Georgia related to the liability of legal persons[4 July, Strasbourg] The Council of Europe organised, within the framework of the Project 'Support to the Anti-corruption Strategy of Georgia, a training for prosecutors on the implementation of the amendments on the Criminal Code of Georgia related to the liability of legal persons. These amendments has entered into force on 11 April 2008, following the recommendations addressed to Georgia by the Group of States against Corruption (GRECO) in its Second Evaluation Report. The meeting took place at the Training Centre of the Prosecutor's Office on 8 July 2008.