UPIC project started on 1 December
2005 and will last 36 months. The
project is jointly funded by the
European Commission and the Council
of Europe.
International cooperation – both
police and judicial cooperation – is
a sine qua non in the fight
against crime and in particular
against organised and other forms of
serious crime. This project will
help Ukraine strengthen the legal
basis for international co-operation
(ratification and implementation of
international treaties, improvement
of national regulations),
institutional capacities (training
of and development of tools for key
institutions responsible for
international co-operation) as well
as direct co-operation with
counterpart institutions from other
European countries.
Training Seminar on Recognition and
Execution of Foreign Judgments,
18-19 June, Truskavets, Ukraine
The Training Seminar was organised
for the practitioners from the
Ministry of Justice, Office of the
Prosecutor General and Judges
involved in international
co-operation in criminal matters.
The objective of the Seminar was to
provide an opportunity to the
participants to enhance their
knowledge in the following areas:
-Transfer of prisoners
-Conditionally sentenced or Released
-International Validity of Criminal
-Confiscation-execution of requests
under the Convention on Laundering,
Search, Seizure and Confiscation of
the Proceeds from Crime.
English |
Conference on Economic Crime
(Warsaw, Poland, 30 June - 1 July
Within the framework of the joint
project of the Council of Europe and
the European Commission on the
International Co-operation in
Criminal Matters in Ukraine (UPIC),
with contribution of the joint
project against Money Laundering and
Terrorist Financing in Ukraine (MOLI-UA
2), the Council of Europe organised
an International Conference on
Economic Crime. Discussions
focused in particular on money
laundering and tax evasion.
English |
Ukrainian |
Study Visit to
Italy and Switzerland, 7-11 April
The Italian and Swiss Authorities
officially agreed to host the
Ukrainian Delegation and the visit covered the institutions engaged
in international co-operation in
criminal matters located in Rome,
Bern and Geneva. Ten participants from
the Ministry of Justice, Office of
the Prosecutor's General, Ministry
of Interior and Supreme Court took part. They visited a number
of institutions in both states which provided them with a good
understanding of how international
co-operation functions in both
jurisdictions, their experiences and
the roles and responsibilities of
different agencies involved in the
Seminar on Confiscation, Extradition
and MLA
25-27 February 2008, Kyiv, Ukraine
List of participants
Workshop on
Co-operation manual
28 February 2008, Kyiv, Ukraine
List of participants
Training for MOJ and OPG officials
October 2007-June 2008
Kyiv and regions, Ukraine
UPIC Project:
International Conference on
5-6 November, Kyiv, Ukraine
English |
UPIC Project: Study
Visit on Judicial Co-operation
United Kingdom, 1-5 October 2007
English |
Human Trafficking
Legislative Workshop
May 2007, Kyiv, Ukraine]
Within the framework of the Project
on International Co-operation in
Criminal Matters in Ukraine - UPIC,
a Human Trafficking Legislative
Workshop took place in
Kyiv, Ukraine on 24 May 2007.
The Workshop was organised with
the Ukrainian drafting committee to
look into more detail at the CoE
Convention on Action against
Trafficking in Human Beings (CEST
197) and also at the Protocol to
Prevent, Suppress and Punish
Trafficking in Persons, especially
Woman and Children to the UN
Convention on Translational
Organized Crime. An objective of
this workshop was to review and
update the Draft law on trafficking
in human beings for purposes of
ratification by Ukraine of the CoE
Convention on Action against
Trafficking in Human Beings.
Human Rights and
Judicial Co-operation Training
May 2007, Kyiv, Ukraine]
Within the framework of the Project
on International Co-operation in
Criminal Matters in Ukraine a Human
Rights and Judicial Co-operation
Training Seminar took
place in Kyiv from 28 to 31 May
The Training Seminar was organised
for justice officials, prosecutors
and judges and was divided into two
parts. The first part was dedicated
to Human Rights and focused on
European Convention on Human Rights,
with special accent on articles
which can affect the judicial
operation under the framework of
relevant Council of Europe
Conventions. The presentations included reference to relevant case
law of the European Court of Human
Rights. The second part was dedicated
to Judicial Co-operation with focus
on the following issues:
confiscation, asset recovery and
asset repatriation, expert
witnesses, temporary transfer of
prisoners, transfer of proceedings
and extradition.
Conference on
International Co-operation under the
provisions of the Council of Europe
Convention on Cybercrime
[6-7 February 2007, Kyiv, Ukraine] The objective of the Conference
was to strengthen the capacity of
Ukrainian authorities to implement
the Convention on Cybercrime, in
particular with regard to the
provisions on international
cooperation. It was expected that by
the end of the Conference· Awareness
would have been raised within the
Ministry of Interior, State Security
Service of Ukraine, Ministry of
Justice, Office of the Prosecutor
General and Courts on threats of Cybercrime in general and on
specific provisions of the Council
of Europe Convention on Cybercrime;
Ukrainian authorities had the
knowledge to undertake legislative
and technical measures allowing for
effective international cooperation.
English |
List of participants
Conference on the Implementation of
the Second Additional Protocol to
the European Convention on mutual
Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters
December 2006, Kyiv, Ukraine]
The aim of this conference was to
support Member States’ efforts to
ratify and implement the second
additional protocol to the European
Convention on mutual assistance in
criminal matters (ETS 182),
in particular by:
-Strengthening capacities of
relevant institutions to make use of
the opportunities offered by ETS
182, thus improving their capacities
to react adequately to cross border
-Strengthening networking and
experience exchange regarding the
implementation of this protocol
between officials responsible for
international co-operation from
participating countries.
This conference was an opportunity
for relevant national experts to
thoroughly examine the variety of
means available under ETS 182 in
order to improve co-operation in
criminal matters. In addition,
national experts discussed the
issues at stake in the
implementation of ETS 182 and the
aspects to be considered in the
process of review of their
legislation and institutional
of participants
Start Up Conference
Kyiv, 24 February 2006
UPIC start up conference was
attended by approximately 90
officials from the Ministry of
Justice, Office of the Prosecutor
General, Ministry of Interior,
Intelligence Service and other
interested parties.
Conference was opened by Dmytro
Kotliar, the Deputy Minister of
Justice, Helene Chraye (European
Commission) and Roman Chlapak
(Council of Europe).
Official representatives from the
Ministry of Justice, Office of the
Prosecutor General and Ministry of
Interior were also in attendance.
The conference achieved its purpose,
namely to make a wider audience
aware of the project, its aims and
objectives. More importantly, the
conference set the basis for their
co-operation to facilitate the
project’s implementation over the
next 3 years.
of Justice of Ukraine website |