The overall
objective of the project is to
strengthen the capacities of the
CARDS countries to develop and
implement judiciary co-operation
against serious crime based on the
European Union acquis and other
European and international standards
and practices by supporting the
Prosecutor’s Network.
In particular, the project will
focus on strengthening the
legislation and institutional
capacities of General Prosecutors’
Offices of South Eastern Europe in
view of a more effective
co-operation against serious crime.
The Project whose implementation
started in April 2008, and finishes
in April 2010, is implemented in the
following project areas: Albania,
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia,
Montenegro, Serbia, "the former
Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia" and
The Council of Europe (Economic
Crime Division, Technical
Co-operation Department, Directorate
General of Human Rights and Legal
Affairs) is responsible for overall
management of the project, in close
co-operation with the Italian
Ministry of Justice.
Cybercrime training for Prosecutors
and Judges from South-Eastern Europe
- International Co-operation against
Cybercrime: Review of Effectiveness
18 and 19 November 2008, Ohrid,
"the former Yugoslav Republic of
October 2008, Strasbourg]
The Regional Cybercrime event,
composed of a Cybercrime training
and a Workshop on international
co-operation against cybercrime, is
organised within the Projects on
Cybercrime and on Support to
Prosecutors' Network in South
Eastern Europe. Thr objectives of
the meeting are:
- to train prosecutors and judges
from countries of South Eastern
Europe in the investigation,
prosecution and adjudication of
- to identify needs and
opportunities for further training
of judges and prosecutors
- to enhance the effectiveness of
international co-operation against
cybercrime (urgent, provisional
measures and international
PROSECO: Regional Conference on
Financial Investigations and
Confiscation of Proceeds from Crime
September 2008, Strasbourg]
Within the framework of the Regional
Project "Support to Prosecutor's
Network in South Eastern Europe" the
Council of Europe organised a
Regional Thematic Conference on
Financial Investigations and
Confiscation of Proceeds from
Crime", which took place in Cavtat
(Croatia) on 25 and 26 September.
The main topics of the Conference
were: legislative and technical
preconditions for financial
investigations, cross border
financial investigations and
confiscation of proceeds from crime
and agencies for handling seized or
confiscated property.
Link to the
Link to the
List of Participants
Training Seminars on Mutual Legal
Assistance - International
September 2008, Strasbourg]
Within the framework of the "Support
to Prosecutor's Network in South
Eastern Europe" - regional PROSECO
project, the Council of Europe is
organising two training seminars on
Mutual Legal Assistance in
International Instruments. These
seminars are aimed at the
prosecutors from prosecutors offices
in Serbia and will take place in
Belgrade and Nis on 18 and 19
september 2008. The relevant
instruments in the field of
co-operation of the Council of
Europe, United Nations and European
Union will be presented by the
experts from the United Kingdom and
Support to Prosecutors' Network in South-Eastern Europe
- Regional PROSECO Project
Start-up Conference
[26 and 27 June 2008,
Rome, Italy]
Within the
framework of the joint project of the European
Commission and the Council of Europe “Support to
Prosecutor’s Network in South-Eastern Europe (SEE)”, the
Council of Europe co-organised, with the Ministry of
Justice of Italy, a Start-up Conference which took
place in Rome on 26 June 2008. The Start-up Conference
was followed by the project’s Steering Committee
Meeting on 27 June 2008, and which the work plan of the
activities was to be adopted.
The Support to Prosecutor’s Network in SEE, whose
implementation started in April 2008 aims at
strengthening the legislative and institutional
capacities of Prosecutor’s Offices of South-Eastern
Europe in view of more effective co-operation against
serious crime. It is implemented in the following seven
project areas: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia,
Montenegro, Serbia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of
Macedonia and UNMIK/Kosovo.
Link to Agenda
English |
Macedonian| B-C-M-S |
PROSECO Project:
Start-up Conference
[26 and 27 June 2008,
Rome, Italy]
Within the
framework of the joint project of the European
Commission and the Council of Europe “Support to
Prosecutor’s Network in South-Eastern Europe (SEE)”, the
Council of Europe co-organised, with the Ministry of
Justice of Italy, a Start-up Conference which took
place in Rome on 26 June 2008. The Start-up Conference
was followed by the project’s Steering Committee
Meeting on 27 June 2008, and which the work plan of the
activities was to be adopted.
The Support to Prosecutor’s Network in SEE, whose
implementation started in April 2008 aims at
strengthening the legislative and institutional
capacities of Prosecutor’s Offices of South-Eastern
Europe in view of more effective co-operation against
serious crime. It is implemented in the following seven
project areas: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia,
Montenegro, Serbia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of
Macedonia and UNMIK/Kosovo.
Link to Agenda
Albanian |
B-C-M-S |
English |