Pompidou Group

Ministerial Conference: ''The Pompidou Group: New signals for drug policies across Europe''

Strasbourg, 27-28 November 2006
This conference of the Ministers of the 35 member states of the Pompidou Group concerned recent developments and new directions in the six fields of activity defined by the Group for combating drug abuse and drug trafficking: prevention, treatment, criminal justice, airports, research and ethics.

The Ministers adopted the new work programme of the Group for 2007-2010 and designated the next country to take the chair of the Group after the Netherlands.

Among the speakers were Hans Hoogervorst, Netherlands Minister for Health and Maud de Boer-Buquicchio, Deputy Secretary General. (more...)

Radio item - France Bleu Alsace
Photo gallery

At the end of the conference, Pompidou Group adopted �six-platform� anti-drug abuse programme, with focus on youth involvement
Final press release

Participation by Council of Europe Deputy Secretary General Maud de Boer-Buquicchio

The conference focused on two major points:
Introduction by coordinators to the results of the Pompidou Group's 2004-2006 Work Programme
Introduction to the draft political declaration and the draft 2007-2010 Work Programme

Our priority was to improve interaction between the various partners, says Bob Keizer, Chair of the Permanent Correspondents of the Pompidou Group
  Practical information
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  About the Group Pompidou
Fields of Activity
Biomedical research in the drugs field (2006)
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  Useful links
Theme file: Fight against Drugs