organised by the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (PACE)
Sub-Committee on the Media

Internet Governance Forum, Vilnius, 15 September 2010, 9:00 – 11:00 a.m.


With Internet technology progressing steadily and the convergence of media services with telecommunications, users must remain the focal point in cyberspace: individual freedoms as well as the protection of individual users are the yardstick for measuring the success of Internet governance. Council of Europe standards in this sector are generally open to all states worldwide.

This Open Forum constitutes preparatory work for two future reports by the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly. For the first time, inter-parliamentary work is opened to all stakeholders at its initial stage. Distinguished panellists will set the stage for an open discussion with all participants – whether being physically present or online – in two key areas of Internet governance: protection of privacy as well as Internet openness.

Opening by

Maud de Boer-Buquicchio, Deputy Secretary General of the Council of Europe

Markku Laukkanen, Chairman of the PACE Sub-Committee on the Media, Member of the Finnish Parliament

Moderator: Jonathan Charles, BBC, London

Panel 1: Privacy and the management of private information online

Andreja Rihter, Rapporteur of the PACE Committee on Culture, Science and Education, Member of the Slovenian Parliament

Catherine Pozzo di Borgo, Vice-Chair of the Consultative Committee of the Convention for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data, Deputy Government Commissioner to the National Commission on IT and Liberties (CNIL), Paris

Richard Allan, Director of Policy EU, Facebook, London

Alexander Hanff, Head of Ethical Networking, Privacy International, London

Panel 2: Internet freedom – structural and operational openness online

Markku Laukkanen, Chairman of the PACE Sub-Committee on the Media, Member of the Finnish Parliament

Daniel Dardailler, Associate Chair for Europe and Director of International Relations and Offices, World Wide Web Consortium, Sophia-Antipolis (France)

Cornelia Kutterer, Senior Regulatory Policy Manager, Microsoft EMEA, Brussels

Katitza Rodríguez, International Rights Director, Electronic Frontier Foundation, San Francisco

Conclusions by Peng Hwa Ang, Director of the Singapore Internet Research Centre and Professor at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore