Internet Governance Forum

(12-15 November 2007,Rio de Janeiro)

Karol Jakubowicz
Council of Europe Expert
Former director of “Strategy and Analysis” department of National Council for Radio-Television
Former president of the steering committee on the media and new communication services (Poland)

“The Council of Europe is trying to promote the concept of the public service value of the internet. We believe, together with Bill Gates, that a “web” lifestyle is developing. We believe, together with the European Internet Co-regulation Network, that the internet is a new social and public reality where all the same values should apply and all the same regulations in favour of human rights should also apply.

Why? Because the internet is a very powerful means of exercising human rights, but also, potentially, of violating human rights. Both these mean that the internet should be used for promoting the exercise of human rights.

What it also means - because the European Court of Human Rights has said on many occasions that governments have a duty to promote the exercise of human rights - we believe that governments should have policies, working together with commercial partners and with all stakeholders to make the internet a reality for everyone.

That way everyone can take advantage of the wonderful opportunities which the internet puts at their disposal, to exercise human rights and to be full human beings.”